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Knob Twiddlers
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user last won the day on November 12 2023

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  1. Glad to see they haven’t given up seeking the boundaries of live performance.
  2. My last clean towel smells intensely of garlic. The distribution of scent seems fairly uniform, perhaps a slight hotspot here and there. As if it has been washed in garlic water. Other items that came from the same laundry cycle are unaffected. I do not understand.
  3. Through circumstances and bad planning the final stop of today’s shopping run leaves a somewhat unfortunate combination of items ; condoms and butter. Might throw in a zucchini to make it less conspicuous.
  4. Didn’t bother to read the article but doesn’t research like this require a control group? I got a feeling being into conspiracies is a transient thing for quite a few of the people involved and they lose interest in it like any other hobby.
  5. user

    I need a DJ name

    DJ LOL at DJ Durangutan
  6. user

    I need a DJ name

    DJ Single Duran
  7. user

    I need a DJ name

    DJ Bouilllabass(ed)
  8. I saw a tomorrow land branded train this weekend and wanted to take a picture for this thread but didn’t.
  9. Heh. Funny when you consider how many people leave the BAUD rate of their SCSI ports unlocked.
  10. I bet she loves getting bored by your wrinkled peach mushroom. Deeply, utterly bored. Know what I’m implying?
  11. Going by his x feed jbp seems to be fast tracking towards peak old man yells at cloud. He seems to have a thin sliver of humour and self awareness left, wonder if he ever feels embarrassed about what he’s chosen to become.
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