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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I've yet to understand the rationale by which middle-aged white women justify shouting at their dogs.
  2. Drove past a white pickup earlier today, adorned with three large flags on the tailgate. One was a "Thin Blue Line" flag, the middle was Old Glory, and the last one read "FUCK BIDEN" Pretty embarrassing to see this kinda shit in my own city.
  3. We are the Doomer Collective Humanity will fail, Monke shall prevail
  4. Co-workers primarily. Granted these are the same guys who only talk about car/truck engines and automotive maintenance half the time - subject matter I couldn't give two shits about.
  5. World's most dangerous spiders (graphic image warning): https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/the-worlds-most-dangerous-spiders-ranked/ Although not on this list, apparently bites from banana spiders can cause painful, prolonged erections.
  6. I reckon. It's human nature to see how far we can push boundaries, consequences be damned.
  7. Give it another four or five decades. Then it'll be SHODAN Valley.
  8. Socializing IRL is exhausting, especially when I have to talk about work, what I did over the weekend, be subjected to peer pressure to get laid/find a partner, etc. I much prefer the online option via comments and posts based on actual common interests.
  9. It is. But it's also a masterpiece. A challenging but rewarding experience overall. I highly recommend a controller though if you're on PC. My advice is to stay on your toes and don't give up. Exploration is encouraged too.
  10. I still own two guns, but feel uncomfortable going to public ranges anymore, at least alone. Seems like they're too much in bed with the NRA and other right-wing nutjob groups. And I want no affiliation with them. Also WTF Remington. Pretty sure the bereaved parents could sue the shit out of them.
  11. I rolled past a random unaccompanied doggo today right before I parked at home. Said doggo acknowledged my oncoming approach, then immediately did a spin and a squat on the grass as I passed.
  12. The next major NMS update is here. Looks like you can build not only bases, but full settlements now.
  13. http://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED693/5ac4c81f132ad.jpeg
  14. Had another one of those mini-dreams (because I usually have to wake up two or three times throughout the night to relieve myself so I can't hold a sustained dream for more than 3 hrs) Anyway, the latest I remember is either a near future or alternate universe scenario where there was some kind of urban investigative unit made up entirely of robots. I think there were five of them, including a "Black Camel" model that was about 8 ft tall. They were structured like Roblox and Minecraft models but were rounded at the corners and edges. And they all spoke among each other like humans but in synthetic voices that varied in pitch range depending on the speaker's individual size.
  15. Star Tropics...holy shit that takes me back. We're talking literally three decades ago. Puss 'n Boots & Kiwi Kraze are another couple of NES titles I ought to revisit at some point. Idk if they can be played on Switch tho - emu might be the only option. (Who knows how obtainable the original consoles are these days..)
  16. Finished the base game of the Quake remaster, and now playing the Scourge of Armagon campaign for the first time. And just now bought Perilous Warp, White Hell, and Dread Templar on Steam on top of that. With this whole Realms Deep expo it feels like we're in the midst of a "boomer shooter" renaissance. Pretty soon there'll be too many to keep up with.
  17. (probably belongs in the Birb thread, but whatev)
  18. http://pm1.narvii.com/7350/73018bdf701e597fe116da1c0111faf85c87a77fr1-389-332v2_uhq.jpg
  19. Whatever they do next, I hope they put out more homages to old skool hip hop. That's their roots after all.
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