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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Nightdive did the remaster? They remastered Blood (Fresh Supply) a couple of years ago as well. AND their full remake of System Shock should be available soon...hopefully. Given the work they've done the last 8 years (including Turok and Strife remasters), they've become one of my favorite game companies. Gonna give this Quake remaster a go now..
  2. I feel like I should watch this for some reason. The theme song seems to be one of the most popular in karaoke joints throughout Japan, if not the most.
  3. Daily deodorant application and avoiding consumption of red meat should mitigate that.
  4. Just so happens that the Project Warlock II demo is now available as well I'm eager to try it out, but I'm nearing the end of my HL2 (MMOD) run. Would like to finish that first.
  5. Apparently there's another surge in cases in my city. All of the latest COVID deaths reported here were from unvaccinated individuals.
  6. http://i0.wp.com/venturebeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Another-World-worm-death.gif?resize=638%2C398 http://i.imgur.com/wiUBP36.jpg
  7. Dunno how I missed this, and sorry for the late translation, but: Human => Dog => Horse => Flamingo
  8. Not unless somebody puts it on TikTok
  9. I've been spending way too much time on Reddit the last two weeks. I think it's shitting up my brain.
  10. So it looks like HL2 Steam activity set a new record today: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2021-08-14-half-life-2-community-challenge-achieves-highest-concurrent-player-count-since-records-began Also decided to check MMOD for the first time, which gives the weapons a nice audio & visual overhaul with new animations. You can even rip turrets off of mounted gun placements now and use them as portable Combine MGs. Dunno why I didn't try this mod earlier.
  11. Yeah, I'll admit that Xen onward feels twice as long as it did in the original game. But I don't mind taking my time with a game as long as it's good.
  12. I'll still take the music of our Warp veterans over most of the mediocre trash I'm forced to listen to on the radio at work these days. Honestly, these days we can consider ourselves lucky that we're privy to this genre of music at all. I need to start exploring more throughout Bandcamp tho.
  13. Meanwhile it's been cloudy and rainy up in Alaska with low 50s F/ 10s C in the mornings. Much cooler summer so far than two years ago. At this point I'd say it's luck more than anything. Never mind the rapidly receding glaciers.
  14. My feet hurt from running 2.67 miles after work and I'm tired. But at least I'm slowly reconditioning my body to a regular workout routine after a 3-month hiatus. Besides, it didn't kick my ass as much this time as it did last week, which was a shorter run then.
  15. Costco sells these new breakfast bowls with plant-based sausage. But I just realized they also make great filling as breakfast burritos. I think I used a little too much Siete though. Also percolated coffee always tastes better the second day for some reason, especially chilled.
  16. Just get the vaccine my dudes, if you haven't already (especially if it's free). Worst reaction I felt was a sore arm for a day or two. You're still at much greater risk of dying going unvaxxed than vaxxed, as Dcom pointed out.
  17. It is, especially from the Xen chapter to the end. Basically a complete overhaul while pushing the Source engine to its limit at the same time. My cousin speaks highly of it, and I've heard only positive reviews so far. But I still have like 20 untouched games in my Steam library..
  18. http://images3.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED137/5d567283beca9.jpeg http://33.media.tumblr.com/931de36283a7031ddfdc94d9749d0b1f/tumblr_nlfq54RQQ61qbcq3wo1_400.gif
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