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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. It's been Push Button Objects for me the past couple of days. Yesterday was Dirty Dozen and today was Ghetto Blaster. Both are good albums. The former is more IDM-leaning, whilst the latter is more hip hop oriented, which is an obvious implication by the album name.
  2. ^^ Looks like bonito shavings - a common food item in Japan. Below is my roommate's chihuahua, Jackson. He reminds me of Simon Pegg in this pose.
  3. Congrats. As long as the job is enjoyable and fellow coworkers are easy to get along with, then it's worthwhile. My second FWA/S for the day: Cooked BBQ pork ribs on the propane grill for the first time. The guests enjoyed them, so they turned out better than I thought they would, despite the mess I made in the kitchen during preparation.
  4. Bioshock Infinite is a solid game overall, though I felt that they dumbed the gameplay down somewhat compared to the first one, especially considering you only have one ammo type for each gun and you can only carry two guns at a time. I'm currently on F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate, after playing the first game and the Extraction Point expansion. One thing I disliked the most tho is
  5. I found out today that I'm more fluent in Japanese than I thought I'd be, considering it's been over a year since I conversed and five since I lived in Japan. Anyway, carry on.
  6. popcom [youtubehd]YmlVAG3MiRA[/youtubehd] (apologies if offensive)
  7. Chewbacca on crack

  8. Warning: Do not comment on this status upd673//l94#&@5$[o\[lyol[]ERROR: DATA CORRUPT

    1. triachus


      Hey man, don't try to keep me down with your "rules". Fuck the po}/xeee§'(!è♠em935ùmpléà┘4{—Ævent±q43{♫é&1_♀×├••╠••+—

    2. Uniret



    3. Hugh Mughnus
  9. It seems like every "Warp titan" release that drops on us ignites controversy like the empty Coke bottle from The Gods Must Be Crazy. I still find Tomorrow's Harvest to be quite listenable, especially on overcast or rainy days. New Seeds especially makes me misty-eyed. Pretty much in agreement. Skyliner is probably BoC's most powerful track, and Heard From Telegraph Lines, which precedes it, serves as a good "appetizer". And Kaini, is it possible you could change your signature to something other than that piece-of-shit quote I made a few months back? I'm embarrassed
  10. Fract OSC looks pretty cool. I like that fat analogue Moog bass synth sound in the trailer. I'm still curious about when Routine will get released. That game looks fuckin' dope. Also, I saw a vid on YT yesterday regarding leaked info about Left 4 Dead 3 @ Valve HQ, and that it will be based on a new upcoming Source 2 engine. I still care more about the Half-Life series though.
  11. Sorry to hear that man. I guess my only advice would be to savour the time you have with him. I was in a similar situation last October, though my dad pulled through in the end.
  12. http://www.l-event.se/
  13. Bad bitchez who try to fuk wid me end up in a trash can like Oscar the Grouch
  14. My first encounter of Lassi Nikko's work in 2001. Years later I discovered he sampled The Pharcyde's "Passin' Me By" in this one [youtubehd]OZ9siilv8sQ[/youtubehd]
  15. Do not have a dog lick it off because chocolate is toxic to dogs. But if by the slim chance you were able to track down and capture said cunt, have him/her lick it off.
  16. Booger burgers aren't hard to come by. They often serve them at McDonalds
  17. Yeah I see that the new RotT is out now. I have reservations about buying it tho, since I have a slightly dated computer. I remember playing the original 1994 RotT as well. Seems like the new one is more so developed based on multiplayer thinking than on single player. I completed F.E.A.R. yesterday for the first time, and then started F.E.A.R. Extraction Point, which immediately follows it. Might give Perseus Mandate a go after I finish that one. I also downloaded and installed the Black Mesa mod for HL2, but I think I'll try that one later on. I should start working on making tunes again though, haven't done so since May.
  18. I'm out of money til Friday. But I'm not alone, and there should be enough food rations to last me til then. Guess I've gotten used to this shit.
  19. An air crew from Japan came into our shop today to rent equipment, and I was called upon to converse with them in their native tongue. But not having conversed in Japanese in over a year, I realized how much I've lost. So I was pretty much useless. It's not part of my job description, so I doubt it'll jeopardize my employment. But still...can't help but feel ashamed of myself. Yeah it is what it is. I just feel bad for those really, really struggling with money having to get one. Actually getting the shot was pleasant, the pharmacists I went to were nice and I swear, swear one of the looked and sounded exactly like Overly Attached Girlfriend. If I stare at OAG too long I might experience paralysis.
  20. I am immature for sharing this [youtubehd]ycDwN68rqGw[/youtubehd]
  21. recks on is still fokken wicked

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Yep! That track is a BEAST.


    2. ambermonk


      Especially on a low-lit road behind the wheel at night...gives me goosebumps

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