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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Carpal tunnel in my left wrist again. Pretty trivial compared to all this heat wave shit going on tho. It's actually been a cool summer here so far this year, especially compared to two years ago.
  2. It's better to post an unpopular but genuine opinion online than it is to post a fake one (or just parrot a meme) for clout. Idk, I feel like a sense of independent thought and judgment is fading among zoomers and alphas. That or I'm coming off a salty old bastard again.
  3. Arkane Studios' new game happens to share a title with a track on Ae's Oversteps.
  4. I made a big-ass pot of cowboy beans to share for lunch at work and everybody loved it, even the conservative types. It was also my first time making it. Ironic, considering I generally prefer a Japanese/Korean palate.
  5. (based on what I've been listening to the most the last five years) Ae Squarepusher Actress Oberman Knocks VHS Head
  6. Possibly...possibly. Looks cool. Plus this one isn't touched by Gearbox so we know Randy Bitchford can't make it cringey. I got one chapter left to go in Doom 2016 (playing on UV). Will probably finish before lunch. Not a fan of Doom Eternal tho b/c it's overcaffeinated edgelord shit, not to mention a plot salad. Might finish HL: Alyx today too. Feels like I'm getting the hang of it better compared to last year. Get enough ginger in your system and smooth motion isn't really a problem. Just finished the Jeff chapter - only got killed once. Also just found out that a former Capcom employee now working for Valve was responsible for his design, which actually makes a lot of sense. And speaking of VR I just purchased Into The Radius which was on sale. Appears to be VR S.T.A.L.K.E.R. basically, so I said "fucc yeah, I'm in." EDIT: Just completed HL: Alyx once again. Watching the credits to the very end is a reminder that HL3 is still probable.
  7. Oh yeah, found out about this a week ago via Gerald's FB. Already threw in, but I'm glad you're sharing this.
  8. http://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED866/5bcc2ccaece1f.jpeg http://dustoffthebible.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/When-the-Holy-Spirit-drop-during-worship.jpg
  9. Hide the Pain Harold is getting increasingly relatable, especially in a society
  10. 2nd-gen Shadowrun games are good - all three. Dragonfall is definitely the darkest one.
  11. No, but I can set one up. You'll be the first to know.
  12. Got invited over to a Father's Day dinner last night, but once I got there I was told that the lasagna had to bake for an additional hour before it was ready. It wouldn't have been as bad if I weren't forced to miss an important YouTube live stream. I mean, if y'all are gonna ask me to show up at a specific time, then fucking have the food ready or close to ready at that scheduled time. Fucking step family dysfunction sometimes.
  13. Started a new Half-Life: Alyx playthrough for the first time in almost a year. Got about 2.5 hrs in before my right VR controller started crapping out for some reason. Battery charge was fine, so idk what the hell happened. Still a solid game though.
  14. I can't socialize anymore without making every single interaction at least slightly awkward.
  15. Edison was indeed a shit bag and did our boi Tesla wrong. Further explained here: https://theoatmeal.com/comics/tesla July 10th should be a national holiday commemorating Tesla's birthday. Also, our boi on a Serbian 100-dinar note
  16. pulsings
  17. Yep, GSC Game World. Says right on the Steam page. Wouldn't surprise me if some members went to work on Metro. How many of the original team return and how many newcomers there are this time around, I have no clue. But judging by the gameplay it looks true to the original, with an obvious engine upgrade.
  18. Sweepstakes showed me this last week. Seems rare when a well-known Youtuber hosts an interview with a Warp titan like this. But it was a good interview overall. One of my biggest takeaways is Tom's take on the approach to music production/comp in general. He emphasizes the point that it doesn't necessarily matter what the next step is, so long as you make a choice - the most important thing.
  19. R2D2 RDR2 is still on my pending to-play list. Can't remember if I already bought it or not, but I keep hearing good things about it.
  20. So hyped for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2. Already pre-ordered.
  21. Speaking of sleep, my problem was oversleeping just now. Meant to take only a half-hour nap before dinner but ended up being nearly three hours. WTF. At least it looks my previous FWP might actually get resolved now - getting overcharged at the food truck last Friday because of a faulty card reader. But good news is the manager might be able to reverse those excess charges after all.
  22. My debit card got charged four times yesterday for lunch at a Filipino food truck I go to during work on Fridays. It was partly my fault though, because I repeatedly inserted my card into the card reader thinking it wasn't going thru, because it was out of receipt paper. The girl working there didn't seem to know how to fix it either. I left them a message under the guise of a review, hoping there's a way to void three of the charges. Nothing fraudulent, but still. I should've left that janky-ass card reader alone after the first swipe. Hope I hear something back from them soon.
  23. This is the first time I've listened to FMWT in ages. Still a banger of an album. Hard to believe it was all produced back in the mid-90s. Melon interview was good too.
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