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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. There's something metaphysical about this
  2. I know exactly the part you describe. I don't want to reveal any spoilers, but it'd be a good idea to have plenty of anti-rad meds and/or vodka before heading into the Red Forest. Also expect to encounter Monolith fighters the rest of the game, next time you have a chance to play. It might also be worth noting that the Red Forest is a real world locale. It's one of the most radioactive places on Earth, and is part of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
  3. I found a $10 bill lying on the ground. If I'd witnessed the individual who dropped it, I would've promptly delivered it to them. But I do not know who it was. So I took it. Not sure if I'm a thief, or if I'm just lucky.
  4. I've never watched that movie, but the soundtrack features an awesome track by Massive Attack & Mos Def called "I Against I". I second Recks On being one of the top Exai trax. It's a clear nod to Ae's early hip hop influences, but at the same time introduces some wicked sounds I haven't heard in their previous works. It just grabs you by the balls on the second half.
  5. After completing Bibleshock Bioshock: Infinite twice, I decided to give Metro 2033 a go for the first time last night. It reminds me of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in many ways, but is darker and more claustrophobic. A gas mask becomes a necessity when going anywhere outside of post-apocalypse Moscow's tunnels. Also, pre-apocalypse military grade ammunition is currency. It is also more effective in combat than conventional "dirty" ammo, but you're basically using money as ammo if you do so.
  6. I got pinkeye. I think it might be an allergic reaction from consuming beets yesterday.
  7. IM HOT U WANNA C ME DJ? [youtubehd]rPhqxW0F2Bg[/youtubehd] MATT DAMON [youtubehd]ogm8AjJTpUY[/youtubehd]
  8. I literally fist-bumped my computer monitor to that pic.
  9. Seems like a logical explanation. I bet the old generals are embarrassed from having to teach Jong Jr. the basics. Shows how inexperienced he is I guess. Just like some spoiled kid from a rich family.
  10. What good is he in a fight if he can't even shoot a damn Tokarev?
  11. With all due respect, not "all". If fingers are going to be pointed, they should be in the direction of warhawk politicians.
  12. If it's NON-proliferation though, then never mind my previous comment.
  13. I heard the possibility that his uncle would be the "puppet master" right after Kim Jong Il passed. I agree about isolationism as well. If they'd keep quiet then they'd be left alone. But all this talk of escalation is putting a lot of folks on edge. I believe part of the cause for NK's agitation is the US government telling them that they're not allowed to have nukes. Same with Iran. If they shouldn't have nuclear armaments though, then why should we? Seems hypocritical to me. We should definitely be dismantling or disposes of our nukes, but the idea of nuclear proliferation is to keep nukes contained and limited so that no one who is crazy enough actually starts a nuclear war. Forgive me if I misunderstood, but "proliferation" by definition would be the opposite of trying to limit stockpiles. I'm having trouble making sense of that statement.
  14. I heard the possibility that his uncle would be the "puppet master" right after Kim Jong Il passed. I agree about isolationism as well. If they'd keep quiet then they'd be left alone. But all this talk of escalation is putting a lot of folks on edge. I believe part of the cause for NK's agitation is the US government telling them that they're not allowed to have nukes. Same with Iran. If they shouldn't have nuclear armaments though, then why should we? Seems hypocritical to me.
  15. San Pellegrino Aranciata

  16. I successfully replaced a defunct light bulb above the oven in my apartment.
  17. I've played all three. Bioshock 2 is basically an extension of the first game. The only main difference is that you play as an early Big Daddy prototype. You can walk on the ocean floor without running out of O2 in some sections though. There's also a couple of new enemy types. Aside from that, there's nothing significantly different from the original.
  18. Shitty :( I think they should wait at least five or ten minutes after the expiration before issuing tickets.
  19. Dogs are natural-born sentinels

  20. [youtubehd]r1Pn-PvhY_0[/youtubehd] Edit: Embedding disabled? Crap. Wish I could delete this comment.
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