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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Sounds like the lil' bro is a decent human being. Yeah, find a benign way that will make the bitchy sis not want to stick around.
  2. Way not cool of her. There has to be some practical solution to this FWP.
  3. "Dude, there's a bone coming out of your arm..."
  4. This generation... Gotta admit OAGF is an expert hypnotist tho
  5. wank hard to zooey deschanel She's decent-looking, but she's a celebrity. If it's someone I meet IRL, chances of doing so would be greater. Still, maybe I'm being overly dramatic. There are definitely shittier places. I've just lived here too long and can't wait to move on in a few months.
  6. I hate my fucking city. I probably just have a lot of pent-up anger tonight and am unsure how to vent it in a healthy manner.
  7. I was playing around with a coin and accidentally slid it under my PC tower out of reach. The tower isn't too heavy to lift, but I can't be arsed to do it right now. Also, worried that I'm a hypocrite for posting Japan-related stuff after posting in the "Domino's President is a Weeaboo" thread.
  8. My latest dream this morning was that I was going to a movie theatre at night. At this theatre you purchased your tickets from a vending machine, rather than the traditional booth. So I pulled out a bunch of dollar bills to insert into the machine. Suddenly there's a line of people behind me and a group of small children to my left. One guy comes right up to me asking for money, but I immediately yelled "Fuck off! GTFO!" at him, with all the little kids nearby (who strangely showed little reaction). Once in the theatre, I got seated on this curved couch. Then some married woman in her late 30s joins me, but starts to flirt with me and we end up cuddling. But I'm partly nervous because she came by herself, and we have no idea where her husband is. A little while later, ice suddenly forms on the ceiling, and most people evacuate. Then huge slabs of ice start falling from the ceiling. The woman and I stayed put though, and I put a board over our heads to shield us from the ice. After that, I can't really remember anything.
  9. Seems like we've had too many people lately who'd join WATMM and post their stuff right after joining - completely overlooking this thread in the process. Are they interested in getting integrated into the community, or are they just thinking "Hey, I make electronic music. Maybe this group of electronic music fans will listen to it!"
  10. You're getting paid for it, right? What a dumb thing to say and that's not the point of it. I assumed you were talking about your job. But if that's not the case, then disregard that comment.
  11. hello! hello! follow me! okay! *fart noise* "Here, boy!" "Get 'im!"
  12. You're getting paid for it, right? I don't mind helping people if it's small, simple favors. But if it's a big project on short notice, then that's crossing the line. Shoulda told them they throw like a grandma.
  13. Fighting a cold myself. All those nose-blowing is making me light-headed as hell.
  14. It seems if you consume something with Sriracha and eat a banana soon afterwards, it tastes like avocado.
  15. SLEDGEHAMMER (not sure why you'd consider that a problem tho)
  16. Consumed two bundles of Spam musubi and a Pacifico about three hours ago. As far as what I'm not consuming, I mostly avoid soda, processed foods, and artificial sweets now - stuff I've been consuming throughout most of my life. Replacing soda with unsweetened tea, processed snacks with edamame and pistachios, and processed desserts with fruit. (BTW Hello Spiral that crab curry looks exquisite.)
  17. haha I loved that DLC but you are right, Ulysses does get boring after a while. i still need to beat Old World Blues OWB is probably the best of the DLCs. Certainly feels the most open-ended and upbeat, even though it still has dark undertones in places.
  18. Damn, that was pretty lowball m8.. You might be unpleasantly surprised one day though ;) I'm not partnered up either. But i can see how you could have read what i said in a negative context. Perhaps now you know where i'm coming from. We're the saviours of the planet, we should get carbon credits for not having bred, basically not having to pay tax and instead getting a payment, funded by all those breeder's taxes. ahh sorry, you fixed my point already (reading the thread a post at a time.) Anyway, now he knows that i meant what you said i meant. Also, thanks for your faith in my wonderfulness Zephee, that's awesome. ;-] hah yep, more eyes on the team for moderatin'. ;-p True that. I apologise for my misunderstanding earlier. Welcome back, BTW. Grocery trips are very frustrating sometimes. I lol'd at your bit about punching the granny, even though I shouldn't.
  19. Well, if that's the case, then there was a huge misunderstanding on my part. I appreciate your perspective :) That sucks about the CD. Unfortunately I don't want it, but another WATMM member reading your offer might!
  20. Sriracha is a requirement for many meals
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