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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Pretty much. I hate that hopeless, self-defeating attitude. Also, screw guilt and peer pressure. The less life I have to live, the better I want to live it. And yeah, I'm not quite 30 yet, but I don't consider the 30s to be an old age. I could imagine guys twice that age telling younger folks to stop acting like pussies wimps because they cry about losing their youth or whatever.
  2. Hell with it. Nothing we can do about getting older. But we can still do the shit we love.
  3. BTW that's DOPE. You should record it next time and post it on Sound Cloud.
  4. If it's any consolation, I'm approaching 30 and haven't yet ever gone on a date before. Not sure if that's good or bad.
  5. Me too. Especially after winding down your day with a video game after a long day at work or school...stealth just isn't the best way to blow off steam.
  6. That's after that crazy dude rings the church bell, I take it
  7. Hats off to you, sir. I've been super drunk at karaoke in Japan before, but that's further progress than I've ever achieved. At least a couple of cute Japanese girls thought it was cute when I sang the Sesame Street theme song.
  8. Going to attempt cooking phở for the first time. Not an FWP per se, but I'm afraid of screwing it up. Wish me luck.
  9. Haven't played those ones yet...looks like Amanita Design developed all three of them. I really ought to get more into indie games. There's so many out there.
  10. Guilty ;) And Usagi, I mean it. Be careful bro.
  11. sounds like just my kind of game!!! +1, fallout + the dig?? instant lub Yeah, it's available on Steam for ten bucks. Like I said, if you need your point-and-click adventure nostalgia fix, look no further than Primordia.
  12. Played a brand new indie game called Primordia for about an hour and a half. It's a point-and-click adventure game much like the Lucas Arts PC games of the '90s. This one is like The Dig, but in a setting similar to Fallout. You're a robotic hermit in a post-apocalypse world in which the human race became extinct, and you're trying to figure out why. This one is less about shooting bad guys and more about puzzle-solving and exploring. Might appeal more to nostalgic '90s PC fans than to those who are primarily into the latest shooter games.
  13. Only remembered it right before waking up this morning, but one other dude and I were in some kind of brownish green valley with a grey sky, with leafless trees everywhere. But these weird scorpion-like critters covered in velvet fur began surrounding us. The velvet scorpion things were afraid of indoor environments for some reason, so we sought refuge in the nearest building. Turns out it was some abandoned dance studio, with mirrors covering the walls and very dim florescent lighting. I could here a sort of low, droning ambient FM synth pad in the background. But I woke up before we ventured any further. I hate waking up just when dreams get interesting.
  14. Elevated stress or anxiety can increase ear wax buildup. Random fact.
  15. Admit it - poop is funny

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ambermonk
    3. sweepstakes


      flush without lush? that's like a shift without a shit

    4. ambermonk


      #2 ^^+1 (note the pun)

  16. I'm no doctor. And this might sound counter-intuitive, but have you tried "rinsing" your ear in the shower? Also, I would recommend ear wax removal drops. You might find them at your local drug store, unless you've already tried both methods I've mentioned.
  17. Congrats! You're in for an adventure. In a way, it's like Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for N64 but with way more guns and robots.
  18. I never understood the PEPS gun. you can stun a group of people if they're standing close together and only for a few seconds, then they recover fairly quickly and know you're there, they set off alarms and all that. you're no longer a ghost. I had absolutely no use for that gun, as cool as it looked. I agree, the PEPS creates too much chaos to be a reliable stealth weapon. It's fun to knock shit around with though. I wonder if the developers got the idea from that weird gun Anderton used in the car factory scene in Minority Report.
  19. This http://youtu.be/Lwpr60W7EOk Even if I didn't set his mugshot as my avatar, I'd post this. Fuckin' classic bass guitar riff.
  20. I thought about FC3, but part of me tells me I should exercise restraint in buying any more big game hits this year. Only $9 for the remainder of the month though? I'm genuinely concerned for you, man. One thing you might consider is selling stuff. Two years ago I sold seven Nintendo DS games and three PS3 games at Gamestop. Didn't earn nearly as much scratch as I'd hoped, but I think it was enough to live off of until the next paycheck. Well, I paid my rent today. Turns out there was no late fee after all. Yay.
  21. Back to the Dishonored vs. Deus Ex: Human Revolution comparison. Both games encourage you to be stealthy, but I thought using a combination of stealth and non-lethal attacks was better executed in DE:HR. You have more options for the non-lethal approach. You can take down bad guys up close, use gas grenades (or mines), zap them with a stun gun, put them to sleep with the tranq rifle, or knock down a group of them with the PEPS, with a chance of them being unconscious as a result. For stealth, you can install and use a cloaking device to avoid detection by hostiles. The third-person crouch option is also handy when either using stealth or taking cover from enemy fire. Also, the game's endings are completely independent of the player's actions up to that point. In Dishonored, you can only sneak up behind them and suffocate them, or shoot them with sleep darts. If that's the only way to get the "good" ending in Dishonored, then to hell with that.
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