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Everything posted by YangYing

  1. Some of you havent seen princess Kaguya on Netflix; you really should. So obv spoilers from here on out. At the very end she's picked by her People which symbolizes the leaving the cu4remy realiyu for a better. one; no matter the struggle no matter those neAtby wield their power nor how much they Love hee destiny is this to leave. Also the baby on the moon makes perfect sense when you see it the way - the moon is our goddess,. how have always known it ~ now build tthat elevator and utilize it even more! ?
  2. been sleeping alot since thr first rush acruallt. seem y just need the first rush to lick it off (50porcenof my brain) notbdinh can stopour dreams now x
  3. just tired, need to eat more to keep me going I recommend aiko in lund also @Joyrex no point in keeping the forum paywalled anymore eh?
  4. The cross. Humanities greatest fear is death. That's the whole point. /moon bird I speak to every one of you in your dreams. There are few, who listen.
  5. Also, funny how the little bird is clearly a girl and the big Owl is a Guy eh? Hence my name. Space age is here We are now entering Luxury Space TRANS Men, You feel bad, This, is karma. You have since the beginning of time had this idea that you're slightly better than women. This builds up over time. A sickness. Something so absurd, so utterly shameful. Your payment will be to feel shame for the rest of your life, you deserve it. You (owl) say you ,love that woman (bird) but you are unwilling to let them be their own person. Since the universe is a perfect equilibrium you should not do things that make you feel bad. ? what binds everything together what attracts everything to one another - not gravity. LOVE Th
  6. The universe is a yang yang You are too Every cell on your body is too: This is perfect equilibrium
  7. Would be a very interesting idea no? @mdg Maybe every music artist should provide this service. I'm sure Google would be interested. ?️??????= Every animal on earth is a: Every plant on Earth is a: This video is a microcosm of our brains. The bird is the semi-dormant right brain. And the Owl the awoken left brain. If we all collectively stop sleeping (only sleep when we need to sleep). The owl will fly to the bird and cut the rope loose. And we both can fly away together into infinity and beyond. obviously Jesus and Mohammad did this and used the Law of Luck. To perform "Miracles" The law of luck is as follows: For every action that you take, The more amount of good you are doing in the world the more "lucky" you will get. There is no such thing as luck, only doing good. Now they say that they heard the word of God, you will too except.. You are God, We all are - the boundaries between you and the rest of the universe are an illusion as the Buddhists teach us. Their meditation is doing the opposite essentially - if you where to HIBERNATE. forever you would awake in a world where you can do anything: The result is the same. Aww bears are so friendly they have kept the planet in check all this time, and they don't even try to fly. The two brain halves connecting is such an important concept its even edged into the very earth itself ?. That pesky dark matter will probably disappear slowly as we all awaken. So.. Let's all hibernate! Or stay awake forever... So in conclusion: We are all the same being (The bird + the owl + the light, surrounded by darkness) We are born as The Owl when we "die" we become a part of the same being - we enter an endless hibernation and are reborn in imaginations of others: that pesky Dark matter. Jesus and Mohammad performed this ritual and interpreted it as that paradise comes after death - they where right. But paradise is already here: we're all just too set in our ways to do anything different from the routine. To kill is not wrong, since you're just putting the person into endless hibernation - their brains are still running essentially... and slowly dissolve into the creation. Producing Dark Matter. Cancer is the bodies natural way to regenerate - Jesus didn't resurrect, he pretended to die, slept for three days then awoke again. (reminds me a bit of the famous game The Binding of Isaac eh). Weather is how we tell how things are going in general. Rain means meh. Sunny is good. Race is just the bodies adaptation to absorb sunlight - black people absorb light equally efficiently as white people: We are walking plants. Like chess pieces on a chess game I always wondered what would happen to chess if all just played to have fun: not kill each other. Every action has an equally powerful reaction. So regardless if the pieces in chess kill or work together - fun is being had. Pain is also an illusion. Just existing is a perfectly balanced mode of being: every action that you take requires an equal amount of energy: By turning your semi-dormant brain on you become more efficient at existing that's all. Evolution set this as the most difficult task for a sentient race to pass: luckily we have used technology to connect the two halves of the earth and in doing so we have now come to this realization. So finally The very first story in genesis. Turns out Adam and Eve weren't cast away by God. They where just afraid of Eating the fruit of eternal life - cutting the rope and setting the Bird free. Big love y'all - enjoy this existence. Jordan B. Peterson: I am very thankful for your insights but the poison of trying to make the creation a worse place for your own gain: the snake - truly captured the imagination of the world. This snake has a name. It is called capitalism. And we all cant take our swords and erase snakes from existence. However - this is not bad you know?. Have fun. Oh yeah and did you know that your dormant half brain is the opposite gender?? I wonder what would happen if I awaken it? Eh? Is like being born a second time.. Maybe a second puberty.. Maybe.. maybe Could it be??? ? Also, funny how the little bird is clearly a girl and the big Owl is a Guy eh? Hence my name. Space age is here We are now entering Luxury Space Transhumanist Communism boys and girls.. Let's go!! The beauty of it is death isn't real - you are ????????????️?
  8. Next time you feel lonely, talk to and touch a plant imagine every caress you do to them they feel as you feel. When we die we become trees. We are all the same being after all. Also, if you ever feel tired taking a little electricity helps.
  9. I believe this has a name Listen to transcendental synchronizity. https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/Ns7vt
  10. I also happen to be colorblind - but I'm not! I see better what's valuable in inverted (which is what the unconscious sees
  11. In moments when the subconscious and conscious synchronize I enter a state of perfect harmony with the world ~ I believe we can remain in this state by abandoning sleep and switching to energy-based diet The collective unconscious is super real: you feel it in this state Still going I guess we evolved skin that conducts electricity well because.... Magnetic fields? idk
  12. Psychedelics are the best connection we have between us and whatever plants are they should b mandatory - my guess is the plant's way to try and contact us - I reckon they are very wise
  13. Best diet is probably lots of electricity and whatever tastes good If your body craves something - trust it probs a good reason
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