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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Great read! The quote you posted doesn't do it justice though, imo. It ironically reads like any other "30-word Facebook post". Without any hint of self-reflection. But again, it doesn't do it any justice. The TLDR version: US is too hellbent on independence, so it might be better to move towards a union of states. Similar to the EU. Or my interpretation: the US sucks at governing the US. Not saying I agree. But it's an interesting read nonetheless.
  2. Talking about the Dutch situation?
  3. Best to you, poly. I hope you can take some positives from your experiences. Or perhaps, that you can work through them so they don't keep you down and consider them useful. I'm sure a lot of people are very thankful for your efforts. Take care.
  4. Try "The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia" by Aleksandr Dugin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics Doesn't help you create fake accounts. Just provides some geopolitical background. If you're looking for help to create chaos, you're on your own. ?
  5. I'll summarise your posts for the entire month. Or year perhaps.
  6. There's some reporting at NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/31/us/george-floyd-protests-white-supremacists-antifa.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article Conclusion: concrete evidence "something" is going on, but unclear what groups and why. Still under investigation. Antifah seems like a red herring. But we don't really know at this point.
  7. Faster! I hope you're not thinking I take my cues from Trump.... *triggered*
  8. Not so fast. Firstly it was about what is happening specifically during the nights. Second, it's not a ploy to degilitmize these protests when there's people coming in from outside the state with what appear to be completely different intentions. Should we simply ignore that? The core of these protests seem to be peaceful and aimed at police violence against black people. But a number of people appear to show up with completely different intentions. OK, nothing is happening. It's all fake news. Believe no one. Sure. That's also a way to deal with it.
  9. Although I'm hopeful for a "turn the tide" kind of development, I'm very sceptical. Can write a whole post about why, but I don't want to depress people. So I'm just keeping it to: don't keep your hopes up to high. Some reporting here that the nightly riots appear to be done by outside interest groups. Unclear which. Both signs of radical leftists and extreme right. Smells fishy. Couple of groups want to see the US burn. And it has nothing to do with racial inequality either, I'm guessing.
  10. hehe the irony of that meme: the US is apparently keeping distance. while the rest of the world is stuck on a boat. with a virus.
  11. Is this going to be a pillow talk cast with Lex and Whitney? Are they a thing? Or did he build her. She's got that android kinda look, so possible
  12. prolly smarter than you though. she likes brains on her average looking bf.
  13. Had to leave this here. Trump getting schooled on the first amendment. Yeah.
  14. I think you've found a new cure for Covid-19! Sulfuric acid. It's how batteries work. So it must also work in humans. *trump logic* Quick, someone tell Trump!
  15. It's a magazine? I thought it was one of his hotels.
  16. So the one virus that leaked just happened to be one of the newer/unpublished ones? The likelihood is shrinking and shrinking. Is this really a scenario worth investing your time/energy? I think it's a waste of time. Gonna be difficult to keep this secret if it indeed leaked. There's also the possibility of extraterrestrials leaking this in Wuhan to consider. Seriously...
  17. Nobody denied they were researching bat virusses. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-chinas-bat-woman-hunted-down-viruses-from-sars-to-the-new-coronavirus1/ (first published in march) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2012-7 Also note how genomes get registered in a database. And the paper was published the 3rd of februari. Open access. So, if it was a so-called bioweapon, they put it out in public space. A lot of transparency for a secret/self-made weapon, don't you think? And another publication from 2015 about changing an existing virus. https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985 There's really no secret here. Around here, experts report the virus is highly likely originated from nature. And given the transparency, I can only assume they're right. Perhaps it escaped from the facilities in Wuhan. But if they were researching this specific virus, I'd expect the genome to be present in a database.
  18. just another reason to shamelessly post the ann coulter roast
  19. huh ann coulter blaming trump to be "a whining, blame-shifting, gigantic fruitcake" !? in what kind of f-ucked up bizarro reversed world have i found myself now O_o
  20. Good example at what you can do with a bunch of half-truths. Especially with some predispositions, like his blatant anti-government stance, or the comment about the radical left. The frustrating thing is that it isnt stupid either. Its an example of taking a certain set of facts, some half facts and some personal opinions, and a bunch of self serving logic. You see it often on all sides of the debate. What you rarely see, is some argument where someone believes something and addresses potentially damaging information going against their own beliefs. (Remember dunning-kruger and the self doubt you develop when getting more skilled?) Instead its this pseudo lawyerly argument where the goal is to build your own argument and destroy the counter argument. It becomes toxic when people with different beliefs are labeled as radical, or stupid or whatever. Any other argument is either considered logically invalid -before the argument is being heard- or morally invalid -to justify you dont have to actually listen to them. The impossible thing is that it often requires a level of expertise people rarely have to recognize where things are presented skewed, or the logic is just wrong. Thats when emotions take over and it often ends in a shouting match. Weve all been there. My personal pet peeve is the argument this virus is way less deadly and the odds of people dying are some small number and all that, so lockdowns should be ended. Or some scientist who crunched the numbers and "proved " lockdowns don't work (https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/04/22/there-is-no-empirical-evidence-for-these-lockdowns/ ). There's always some type of logic resulting in some generalised blanket statement. In a situation with many unknowns and high risks (in terms of lives, economies and anything you can reasonably bring to the argument). Without any regard of the local context. And the point i'm currently making is no exception either. Most difficult thing apparently, is to trust your authorities in times like these. And go with the flow of what your government has made up to be the best for all. Thats not to say people cant or shouldnt be critical. But that is to say some level of cooperation is critical to keep society going in times like these. Even if you don't agree. Central government isn't perfect, but can create some order in all the chaos. If people don't cooperate, it only creates more chaos. And theres always going to be a percentage who don't. And a percentage who do (like maniacs). The majority is somewhere in the middle. The people who kinda cooperate. A lot of central government is about moving this majority into the rightish direction. Or rather, to keep them where they naturally are. As the majority naturally defines societies order. It's often a mostly immovable object. I'd love to see an analysis about societies where governments are showed to follow these majorities. In a couple societies lots of people went into a personal lockdown out of their own before their central government were even willing to do so. It's interesting to see how societies can control and define their governments. Sorry for this useless rant. :S
  21. BetheLightthatradiatesunconditionalLoveForgiveHealandhaveFun ?
  22. This thread is like a multifaceted transgenerational trauma
  23. Would have preferred the good old Alan Oldham treatment.
  24. White left over leather? White trash!
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