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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. I was blown away by Deerhoof live, but even with two guys playing 12 strings the guitars weren't even close to loud enough.
  2. Yeah, he slays on kick hat snare ride.
  3. Haha I thought I was the only Koenji fan in the world. When I used to have a gnarly coke habit I used to speed around blasting these guys, trying to sing alone. Good times.
  4. Love Dave King. Don't like anything about Battles, and futhermore don't think they deserve to be on Warp. also love Chris Dave, Marg Guiliana, Tony Allen, Elvin Jones, Tony Williams.
  5. Holt shit, is his snare always that low?
  6. Of course Jojo Mayer is my fave. Some live jungle, etc:
  7. LimpyLoo


    I wanna see a WATMMer buy this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ROLAND-TB-303-BAM-BAM-MARSHALL-JEFFERSON-/330602774000
  8. IDanceYouDanceWeAllDanceForBraindance

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      everybody take off their pants

  9. The sound of Dane Cook getting stabbed to death for 90 minutes with lots of 12-bit hall reverb
  10. I keep getting these two pimples in the exact same places over and over.
  11. This thread is making me bleed custard from my 11th finger.
  12. I love Matmos interviews...these might be my faves... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFM0AuNjNU4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cuf4tuHYdeo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI4aJrJdOwI
  13. So I guess nobody told you to read the rules? You should probably read the rules. I see you violating the rules more than anyone on this forum. You should probably re-read the rules.
  14. You sound like a delightful person.
  15. awww :unhappyface: I wished the FL has the weird synthes. I totally know, right?
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