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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Yeah, absolutely. She even said to me "I feel sorry for you that you can't believe in something." And to boot my father is finally become a full-blown alcoholic that gets frustrated and impatient and mean when he drinks with pretty much everyone (including my 6-year old sister). *sigh* Does anyone have normal parents? ( last emo post for awhile, I promise )
  2. p.s. I kinda hate my mother. I'm a perpetual disappointment to her. She aggressively tries to embed herself deeper and deeper in my life, whereupon she makes me feel like shit. It's like if someone was like "hey, you wanna hang out?" and you're like "yeah sure" and then you hang out and that person just tells you what a shitty person you are the whole time. She laid a huge guilt trip on me for 1) not agreeing to let her do a Reiki session on me, and 2) not agreeing to attend a Sunday metting to her "spiritualist church," as if it were like an invitation to the movies or something, instead of essentially being a cult of people who think they talk to the dead and heal each other's cancer over the fucking phone.
  3. Last night I spilled coffee on my MicroKorg and now there's car hair stuck to the keys.
  4. Zoe, did you buy each one of those modules one by one?
  5. Yeah man, whatever you want to tell him, make sure to tell him. You don't want that unresolve lingering about for the rest of your life.
  6. Does it taste like vaginas? Please try and report back including what age and ethnicity the soap represents. That is disgusting. Please hurry back with your findings.
  7. FWP: after being on this forum for a little over a year, and Joyrex still doesn't get my sense of humor.
  8. Yeah, caffeine is seriously underrated as a life hazard.
  9. I have chronical bronchitis so I've been using Ventolin all my life my IDM level > watmm *slouches out of thread in un-IDM shame*
  10. FWP: I have bronchitis. The upside though is that I'm taking a medication called Ventolin.
  11. I don't think I'm up for it. So sad and adorable..aww! It gets better guys
  12. Read the rules. ...no I'm only kidding;. Seriously though, this is really a beautiful description of music theory.
  13. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    good fuck or bad fuck need 2 know how to prepare myself for this Us atheists are the best fucks. We do all the dirty shit that's not allowed by religions. Haha if you only knew. You atheists are just like Protestants in so many ways, including a characteristic porridge-scoffing sexual inadequacy. You are austere, self-flagellating, and to a man rubbish in bed. Iconoclasm is anti-sex. And you will never know the true carnal pleasures known to Catholics, Muslims and other people who are actually able to unite the spiritual and the physical. Do you believe in Bigfoot too? I believe in a big foot grinding atheist skulls against holy curbs so yeah, I suppose I do believe in bigfoot you fucking mug. How come hardly any Christians seem to act (or even try to act) Christ-like? Always been curious why the walk almost never matches the talk, especially in light of all the lofty moral claims.
  14. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    good fuck or bad fuck need 2 know how to prepare myself for this Us atheists are the best fucks. We do all the dirty shit that's not allowed by religions. Haha if you only knew. You atheists are just like Protestants in so many ways, including a characteristic porridge-scoffing sexual inadequacy. You are austere, self-flagellating, and to a man rubbish in bed. Iconoclasm is anti-sex. And you will never know the true carnal pleasures known to Catholics, Muslims and other people who are actually able to unite the spiritual and the physical. Do you believe in Bigfoot too?
  15. Dealing with some unpleasant diet-related issues. Sucks.
  16. i have alot of thoughts about theory if anyone wants me to do a LimpyLoo's Tip Du Jour or two on theory lemme know
  17. Pretty sure Kanye's only ever been up her butt, tbqh what does the "g" stand for?
  18. fucking lol smetty OHHHHHH! That's where smettingham rutherford went. He's SR4 i have to admit that i'm really slow when someone changes their name. (and yeah i totally didn't know SR4 was smetty)
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