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Posts posted by Schlitze

  1. R.E.M.


    Losing My Religion


    Losing my memory would be more apt for you diatoms, you senile old goat

    Any plans to address the constant mistakes littered throughout every page of your attempt at free thinking? It's not working is it. You ran out of ideas on page 10. But plough on regardless.

    Liam Gallacher signs his tweets Love & Light, diatoms.

  2. There are similarities between this series and boards of Canada. Both are very secretive and very hyped, you can remember the tomorrows harvest treasure hunt. Plus Reddit users wanted to buy Dave lynch a present to thank him for the series. As you will recall this is much the same gesture that twoism users wanted to do to repay the brothers.

  3. Glad to know he's made a full recovery since that Keith Lemon prick (literally the unfunniest man I've ever seen on tv) ruined his career.


    This is a Craig David thread now, mods please rename thread 'Craig David: The Return'.


    Whoa whoa whoa there little man. You ain't that guy. Watching you grow in confidence after your difficult beginning brought a tear to many an eye. But don't be a smartypants. You'll be brought back down to earth with a bang.

  4. "Let the light of love shine on every paragraph of text on this page. Reddit users may come and go, but with feelings this deep, it's only love that can prevail"

    Preacher Kane, Poltergeist 2

  5. Page 67 and we got all the cool dudes in here now, scrolling up I see some of the hippest guys in town. I mean check these guys out. Hopefully we'll get some more posts from some of these guys further down the page after they've logged back in!

    Page 68 will be an autism friendly page so if someone posts something you didn't notice and you want to get it out there come in and say hi! lol

    Page 69 has a zero sperge lord policy

  6. That last page was unreadable. Schmuck central. This one hasn't started out much better and we're about half way down. Just gotta hope and pray it doesnt get all gooey ooey again.

  7. Disney abandoning deal with Netflix:



    Holy sheepshit, that is going to send shockwaves through the world of TV. Thank fuck you came here to post that. Only problem is that article doesn't go into enough depth, you need to check out IGN for the latest breaking TV stories, copy the link and paste it in this thread....shit, you could be your own little anchorman. You'll sleep well knowing that you're making a difference.

  8. Aw shit, the better Albert gets I can't forget he ain't with us anymore. Albert and Cole are one of the best duo's on TV. The more they play the straight man they know somethin gotta give. Miguel is sensational in that scene in ep 12

  9. Hope he adds more to the Orphans, four tracks is not enough. The 2 Spiral Staircases are sublime and Nightmail is a sweet follower but theres more coming there I think. Love the extra tracks on CCAI, I can listen to that album now and just enjoy it rather than think about how he got the robot to all the bits. The extended Orphan Deejay is my favorite addition because it's got my favourite song on it, pretend analogue. SAW 2 now in it's complete version too I see. What a fucking legend.

    I'll digest this for time being, that Fuji tape will appear one day, no rush, but I want the Houston track without vinyl crackle. PM me.

  10. if RDJ looked at this thread and no other, he'd probably close the store. And he'd be right.

    He most certainly would not be right. What a silly self righteous thing to say, Mr holier than though. You're preaching to the converted in here. I honestly cant believe you posted that self righteous claptrap. Step aside Pope Francis, we have an Irish forum user who wants your seat at the Vatican. I've seen it all now.
  11. After a disappointing page 2 where the usual suspects were out in force being themselves, we're off to a great start on this new slate with an ultra cool post, who knows what's in store after a start like this!

  12. I really wanted to climb in my tv and beat the shit out of that fat fuck who wouldn't stop honkin her horn. Deputy Briggs handled it calmly, don't know if that was to show if he was a new man or whatever, but what followed in the passenger seat gotta be linked to his old man. He didn't even look surprised.

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