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Posts posted by Schlitze

  1. Holy Toledo

    My mind continues to be blown on every re-listen. Dang!!! Holy ****

    This is some next level dimension we're being sucked into with these beats.

    Paranormal Activity 8: The Ae Dimension :catrecline:

  2. High Castle is very good so far, 3 episodes in. Excellent production design and lots of mystery. A Nazi/Japan run USA is pretty nightmarish in '62. Gotta get your ass to Colorado (neutral state). Hitler is old and senile in '62 and there's a worry everywhere that there's gonna be war between Nazi's and Japan for all out control of America once the old bastard dies.

  3. About to start on Robert Heinlein's ''Stranger in a Strange Land''. I don't read enough books and the ones that I do read are usually sci-fi. Watching the film Predestination was to me a sharp reminder how good Heinlein's ideas & concepts are, the ultimate mindfuck. And that was only a short story in a pulp magazine back in '59!

  4. I just found the old TDK tape that i recorded LP5 onto back in the day, no track titles on the case which is very unlike me. guess what i filled up the remainder of side B with? Wap10 We Are Reasonable People. It goes from Freeman, Hardy Willis to Stop, Look, Listen then the tapes runs out, Tape rocks.

  5. Greetings, just listening to these sets is making me recall my origins with these masters of sound. My first experience with these Ae guys was back in 2000 and my mates brothers vinyl collection, I used to steal 'em and copy to TDK C90 and then slip em back before he noticed. It was LP5, white case and hardly any text. There was something weird about it, there was no credits or anything on the vinyl case, just music. The rest is history.

    I met my mates brother recently when I was back in my home town and told him how he was the one who set me off on Ae obsession. He's now into indie rock and being a good husband. I was like ''Dawg, you've gone lame, give me your record collection!!!''

    Give your Ae origins, even though 90% are through AFX.

  6. Booze, weed & Sony xba1 headphones really got me grooving to some of the parts of the live sets that were a bit difficult on the first couple of listens. That's quite a shameful admission because I think people who publicise their drug use lack moral fibre. But I think once you get it you've 'broken the seal' and your brain just treats it as normal music. But your conscience correctly tells you can't listen to this stuff at work because they'll think you've lost it so those expensive headphones are a damn good investment.

  7. Krakow is so great. It gets better and better.

    Whats my favourite chunk out the set that i think should be released as a single? 11:40 -18:45. Sublime. Damn, ae.

  8. Exodus: Gods and Kings - 8/10

    The wrath of Moses is ace on a big screen. Rameses character arc is pretty sine wave in the first act, hopefully Ridley will release the 4 hour version to reveal this characters motivation more, and also how his dad (John Turturro) got ill so quickly. Apart from that it's very good. It dump's on Noah's arcs.

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