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Everything posted by foresense

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOR3IRwBsFY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY4ww0svwA0
  2. that's when you wish that it was over but it just keeps on dragging on no man, imagine LUDD on a toilet spliced in this scene:
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22WwCLHvHc4
  4. foresense

    Now Reading

    I read the second book when I was younger, really good memories.. going to start at the beginning when I'm done reading A Brave New World.. just finished the Death Gate cycle, pretty decent fantasy. enjoyed it.
  5. cheap wine, it's French with a screw cap.
  6. damned if I know, but that was what I dreamt.. the lady downstairs is harmless tho, was just embelishing a bit hehe.. she makes dog clothing mostly and I help her with the internet from time to time for some extra change. dunno bout that doll tho. *left overs time
  7. holy shit dude, they are actually real. they can read your soul. and they steal your mail too. I dreamt last night of a creepy doll coming to life downstairs where the crazy lady works on her doll clothes, and it was trying to electrocute me somehow in the rain, then I woke up and the alarm was going off because the batteries were almost dead.. fucking scary shit... oh & coffee + chips, then going for last-night-leftovers.
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