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Posts posted by Mag

  1. it's like having all different kinds of sex with the hottest chick ever ,while eating the best lobster sushi while getting your balls and ass licked ,while eating the best dark chocolate while watching a sunset on a roller coaster ,while fireworks are going off while on acid,smoking a spliff,while getting a massage frpm 3 hot babes at once while you are still shagging the first hot babe,,while listening to the best aphexs ever

    and then you write article to vice:

    "meh, i wished i played mario, i am gay anyways, but rollercoaster was ok"




    I don't see the massive hype over sedonka


    I like it, it's great, but there are plenty of tracks way better


    I'm glad someone else thinks the same as me. I was starting to feel lonely haha.





    Cheers for finding solidarity in something you guys all don't like!


    we all like it very very much

    we just don't think it's a best thing afex humanity ever did


    (*Ghhhhr Xmass Eve *Ghrrrhh)


    To elaborate slightly, I didn't draw that picture, but it's what I'm now using in my iTunes library for unreleased RDJ tracks. :)

    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! i'm disappointed, i've always preferred to see you in everything you do... i really thought that this drawing was you... gosh!


    i know, right? :catrage:


    Question for music business experts:


    If richard, basically, gave all this tracks for free, does it mean i can use a tracks/tracks in documentary/movie/video-blog or whatever? Or i still need to obtain any licence for this? Ofc i will acknolenge authorship and write artist in end titles etc...Thanks in advance

    Is FmsubBass available for download from anyone here?


    Just in from work and catching up.


    Giving the music for free doesn't mean he's giving up the copyrights.


    How many people will see your work, and will you be making money off it? Best to just take right route and contact them to ask permission.


    but shouldnt it be copyrighted when you are on label, have "trademarked" artist name etc?

    i mean...it's just a soundcloud account, what to do in this situation? or soundcloud automaticaly "copyrights" music?

    or where i can read about it more?

    i really bad at this...


    edit: yep, i guess you are right and better contact them directly. wasnt planning on making real money out of it

  5. Question for music business experts:


    If richard, basically, gave all this tracks for free, does it mean i can use a tracks/tracks in documentary/movie/video-blog or whatever? Or i still need to obtain any licence for this? Ofc i will acknolenge authorship and write artist in end titles etc...Thanks in advance

    Is FmsubBass available for download from anyone here?


    Just in from work and catching up.


  6. I sincerely hope CCAI wasn't a contract breaker, although it would kinda make sense with Warp distancing themselves from the Soundcloud dump. It'd definitely be a shame. Warp and RDJ have been pretty good to each other, and I'm gonna miss my dosage of physical Aphex acid. :cry:

    but was't warp promoting his soundcloud on twitter? (if it's true and they manage his twitter)

    also following his soundcloud on their soundcloud?

    he isn't releasing this as Aphex Twin, and technically, there still was no official confirmation that this is apex

    if he didnt want this to be official, it's pretty logical that warp wouldnt scream about it on every corner

    they respect his opinion on the matter and just give hints. they is no reason for them to promote it
    hope im clear



    just when you think it can't get any better it does

    today's beeeeeaaaaaach is FACKKIN' wicked dsp m8!


    so i was nosing round muffwigglers last night and .........

    "Rephlex revival next year, 3 albums coming out" (links to


    "New LP from Cylob, AB6 and SAW3"

    "ccaipt2 was a contract breaker, cheerz humans"


    who posted it? link please?



    Found it: https://www.muffwiggler.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=130721&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=20

    Last post on that page.

    The Google Doc they are talking about seems to be this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2g_2fLpbMktYVJQQk16TERTZkE/view


    i was thinking about a lot of shit...can you smell that shit?


    if it's true, it will be biggest electronic label comeback in history





    'fmsubBasss' and 'fms ubBasss' are just renames he did to see if he could evade soundcloud's detection thing, the proper title is just 'fmsubBass'


    Nitpick: he actually has it capitalized on SC. So proper title is FmsubBass, yeah?


    Also it dates from 1889 ! The more you know!



    noep, soundcloud automatically capitalises things and i guess he can't always be bothered to change it, in the file itself the 'f' is not capital


    no it's not capitalizing, theres plenty of stuff in small registr



    yeah, those are the tracks which he renamed from the title on the mp3 file


    yep, i edited my post, sorry ^^


    god, it's like soundcloud knows better how artist wanted to name his tracks, what a bunch of pricks



    'fmsubBasss' and 'fms ubBasss' are just renames he did to see if he could evade soundcloud's detection thing, the proper title is just 'fmsubBass'


    Nitpick: he actually has it capitalized on SC. So proper title is FmsubBass, yeah?


    Also it dates from 1889 ! The more you know!



    noep, soundcloud automatically capitalises things and i guess he can't always be bothered to change it, in the file itself the 'f' is not capital


    no it's not capitalizing, theres plenty of stuff in small registr


    edit: maybe you're right and he manually UNcapitalized them...

    what a stupid thing for soundcloud to do, actually





    yes - attached is Last Clissold just to prove

    ... and sekonda

    its 128, pfff , i have 10 of these


    actually, fuck this shit. I almost beat Ninja Gaiden 2 before it started, so I'll just go finish what i must :shuriken:

    Damn, the NES one?? That's an accomplishment. I've never gotten all the way through the first. (FUCKIN' HAWKS!)

    YES!!!! I beat it! God fucking damn this game is hard. HARD. I'm all swet and tired.

    took me around 20 years to do it (with breaks ofc), feeling on top of the world now, what a night!!!



    on topic: aphex lush imminent quite good badger



    edit: FUCKING HAWKS!!!!

    Holy shit congraulations!! Thats fucking dedication right there. Your success has inspited me to give the first one another chance tonight. Wish me luck!




    thank you very much, dude! :emotawesomepm9:

    i wish you all the luck in the world, cause 1st is also damn hard, if not harder. It's the only one of original trilogy i haven't beated yet. Last bosses own me in every hole possible, but one day I'll have my revenge!


    sorry for offtopics ^^, please go on.



    yes - attached is Last Clissold just to prove

    ... and sekonda

    its 128, pfff , i have 10 of these


    actually, fuck this shit. I almost beat Ninja Gaiden 2 before it started, so I'll just go finish what i must :shuriken:



    Damn, the NES one?? That's an accomplishment. I've never gotten all the way through the first. (FUCKIN' HAWKS!)


    YES!!!! I beat it! God fucking damn this game is hard. HARD. I'm all swet and tired.

    took me around 20 years to do it (with breaks ofc), feeling on top of the world now, what a night!!!



    on topic: aphex lush imminent quite good badger



    edit: FUCKING HAWKS!!!!






    omg he needs to enable dloads on those 4 tracks christ

    refresh your browser because it appears that all tracks can be downloaded...


    37 Last Clissold Maybe

    15 Sekonda

    D15 - 8 Ny Groove2

    D15 - 10 Dulcimer Dub



    I am seeing the download button on all of them - plus able to download too.

    anyone else?


    Do you have the chrome soundcloud extension active?


    No I use Firefox - no plugin - just using the download button on SC



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