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EKT Plus
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Everything posted by YEK

  1. My 12 year old nephew said that something ‘slapped’ today. I wanted to slap him…
  2. I just realized my record store hasn’t called me about this fuse record. Is it out? Supposed to be released in November.
  3. Do I need to watch the movie first to enjoy it? I’ve seen the movie, but a long time ago.
  4. yeah fuck all those children’s animes. I’ve been watching a bunch of solid animes on Tubi, I recommend it.
  5. Anybody following this new teenage engineering sampler? looks fucking solid
  6. There’s lots of ai websites, software/apps that let you separate vocals and drums and such but what is the best … and easiest way to do it? really want to make some instrumentals out of my favourite tracks.
  7. I see some restaurants around me have switched from paper straws back to plastic because there’s word that the paper ones are toxic. Fuck paper straws really.
  8. I have star wars pinball for the switch and I think it’s made by the same company. Star wars has the best bang for your buck because of how many tables you get. A lot of these pinball games come with a few but you have to pay to get more.
  9. I'm getting Kuato vibes from these, I dunno...
  10. YEK

    Share your dreams

    I just had another dream I was failing school, I get them quite often. I was supposed to be reading Of Mice and Men but I hadn’t even started it. Stressful.
  11. obviously the solution is to become an alcoholic
  12. Well the album starts off a little basic but the deeper into the album you get the more interesting it gets imo. He’s a talented guy. It’s not music I’m usually into, I think you could group it with the world music crowd, but I enjoyed it.
  13. Looks like I can get it cheaper because I bought 11 suite. NICE.
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