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Everything posted by bronchuseven

  1. I need to play around with processing again - it's how I made my avatar. However you made it auxien, I love it too!
  2. This material is "dura-lar", which is a polyester film. The assembly process is very complex, more than is evident in the final shape. The above piece contains 48 strips - I'm not sure of the exact number, but I'd say there's about 500 folds in all.
  3. My latest origami - an octahedron with fins. It's funny, it had been years of folding the same set of shapes over and over, but recently I've come up with a new design every few days.
  4. Love it! I see some Virginia creeper in there, continuing the theme.
  5. I have both the CD and vinyl of My Life With Jesus - I wonder if the remaster sounds good enough to justify buying the album a 3rd time.
  6. hey Atop! I remember the first time I heard about watmm - it was on your computer, ca. 2002
  7. started listening last night! love the tracklist - it's funny you played that DJ Python track; Nick turned me onto that very same tune.
  8. Super Metroid is flawless - been playing on my mini as well
  9. I have the one from two weeks ago which I guested on; this is 320 mp3 https://www.dropbox.com/s/dwe6vpgtxx0rhdi/Sriracha_and_Taupe_Beats_6_Jul_2018_Sub_FM.mp3?dl=0
  10. hope you post the show from last night - tons of amazing IDM selections, especially the b2b squarepusher tunes!
  11. Took this new-ish origami hiking on a rainy day; the sun popped out just long enough for a few photos.
  12. this is on the SNES classic - haven't tried it out yet though.
  13. I got an SNES classic recently, so I've been playing all the games I grew up with - mostly Link to the Past, Final Fantasy III and Secret of Mana.
  14. https://www.discogs.com/Bund-Deutscher-Programmierer-Stoffwechsel/master/1287052
  15. Mosca - don't take this the wrong way Mouse on Mars - Cache Cœur Naïf
  16. no need to apologise - thank you for the kindness
  17. sadly this is the last-ever photo of me & Louisa… thank you Salvatorin for taking the pic ?
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