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Everything posted by bronchuseven

  1. This is a stray kitten who lives outside my house. We feed him & give him lots of love.
  2. Excellent video as well as a massive tune
  3. This is a modular origami helix - I can make it as long as I want by continuing to add pieces.
  4. glad you like it ? that EP is worth checking for sure
  5. We do want her though! My house appears to be a lost animal magnet - two weeks ago a stray budgerigar appeared on my doorstep. After searching for lost pet signs, and making posts on fbook & craigslist, it appears he was dumped and isn't lost. He's going to some friends soon, but he's currently in my studio. https://www.instagram.com/p/BYT1ooLHlPD/
  6. I do not… we've two already. This kitty's going to the shelter.
  7. This kitten showed up on my porch & started crying for food. We can't grab her as she has a bolt-hole to escape to. We're trying to socialise with her and it's working, though we still haven't gotten to touch her.
  8. Your mixes are quality - I'll check this!
  9. Incredible! I could watch your gif all day aencre<3
  10. Oh shit! Thanks for posting this - heard it on an amazing mix by the Candela Rising founder and never knew what it was. Sadly the mix is no longer on soundcloud, or I'd post it.
  11. every time I put this album on, someone asks me what we're listening to (in a good way)
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