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Everything posted by marf

  1. Ever have someone you know tell you someone you both know has a huge dick. Totally unsolicited. And forever on when you hear that persons name you think big dick? Not in a gay way. Just as a fact. First thing. Big dick. It's like an assault on the brain when someone mentions that. I don't want to know
  2. you people like passive listening to music? I can't stand it. Its produced so much generic wallpaper music. I can do it if it is chill ambient so stuff or satie. Even then I have to love it. Middle of the road music. Can't do it. Headache, I love ASMR. Give me a bob ross video.
  3. My sister's friend has two pit bulls. She was dog sitting for a friend and left the two pit bulls alone with the dog. The dog got killed
  4. I actually thought there were dedicated people thumbs downing everything on youtube. Then I realized it was software
  5. I saw a abc doc on the stolen Van Goghs, Spoiler alert. ... Mobsters steal them to hold as ransom to get shorter prison sentences
  6. we've come a long way in the last hundred years. Technically speaking. Penicillin was on point, but I think we are still in the dark ages when it comes to treating the brain, and the body. We use a variant of mustard gas to shrink tumors.
  7. the ritual enjoyed it more than I thought I would after reading the disappointed reviews. Not bad, not great. Fairly good. 6.5/10 is about right.
  8. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum was a good musical
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qaHhFFHmy4 definition of cuteness. I love girls that seem from outer space. I find her adorable in a non sexual way.
  10. have you ever told them/her that? if yes, what was their/hers reply? yes, they call it transference, and it is totally normal
  11. it's true, I always want to bang my therapist. No matter what they look like. Within reason. That's why Im afraid of getting a male therapist.
  12. I think it would be funny if someone sentenced to like 4 or 500 years for multiple murders actually lived that long and got out and lived the quiet life the remainder of their days
  13. but it could also be cause the world in general has shifted a bit right since then
  14. I know, It sounds crazy, but was anyone a grown up during the Bush JR administration ?
  15. Brawl.In.Cell.Block.99 8/10 excellent. I could kick his ass though
  16. Update, the world is viewing America in a way that has been better than ever. We've always been hated. Really loathed. But some how people can't look away and want something from the usa. I think the Internet and the cross exchange of people around the world has lessened the preconception of everyday Americans. Before all you had was crazy news stories and tv shows, films. Stereotypes you could say.
  17. marf


    I wanna be on one of those huge ships like in Alien Covenant with holograms and stuff. Maybe the aliens can give us knowledge to speed up my dream
  18. marf

    Norm MacDonald

    Mine too, this is so amazing Lol, This wife joke at 3:00 https://youtu.be/lVgcQ4Sq_v0?t=182
  19. marf

    Norm MacDonald

    I think Norm might be my favorite comedian.
  20. only 77, he's looked old since I can remember
  21. Restrepo (2010) 9/10 Would I get a rush or freeze in fear. One ballsy documentarian. Not a 10/10 cause I wish it was longer
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