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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. Are you really going to turn that down? Cut your hours FFS. Or if it's unpaid interning it doesn't count towards your working hours (especially if you don't tell them). Well, i havent even been offered the internship. I just heard about it and it said online you're expected to work 12-16 hour days. They basically make you their bitch, and I'd be okay with that to a degree it's just physically impossible for me to do that and school at the same time. can't you do it during the holidays? wtf do they expect people to do?
  2. oh yeah!!! i'm gonna have to pick some up next time i'm there.
  3. you should send those kind of invitiations in a PM rather than on the forum really. plus you forgot the question mark.
  4. ha! that's adorable. my banana was half bruised this morning so i couldn't eat it. did you know in the carribean they don't bother selling bananas because they grow everywhere on the trees? no one would buy them.
  5. hahahahahaha! hamsters can't use chopsticks!
  6. one thing is for sure, the main character, or any developed character, is most definitely not a woman. cormac mccarthy can't write a woman if his life depended on it. considering his popularity, it's a pathetic weakness imo. It's something many male writers struggle with, and similarly a great deal of male directors can't direct females either. This is why Steve McQueen is so unique (see Shame for reference) and very much on my "ones to watch list".
  7. Yeah. Ha! Like some Monty Python animation or something. Hilarious.
  8. I love that dream he had about a giant anus taking a dump on a church, that was bonkers. And he's so matter of fact about it.
  9. Oh really? What a card. Have you read memories, dreams and reflections?
  10. I second this. One thing I find confusing though, who is the main character in this film?
  11. agreed completely with, They Live. for me, Videodrome can be enjoyed and respected just on its 'texture' alone...it's a film like no other that creates this sickly physical atmosphere, with the body horror special effects being truly affecting it's the sort of film you have to watch on a VHS on an old CRT TV to truly get the experience texture? hmmm
  12. thanks man. nice to see another person who appreciates the small differences.
  13. Lovely dead cat in borough market.
  14. speaking of which, based on the way that dog is holding its ears, it appears to be terrified Then why is it smiling?
  15. I got another pucture, that's two in an 8 day period!
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