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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. Are you really going to turn that down? Cut your hours FFS. Or if it's unpaid interning it doesn't count towards your working hours (especially if you don't tell them).
  2. Ceephax - TX Highway http://ceephax.bandcamp.com/track/tx-highway
  3. wowzers! very sexi. here's a few phone photos i took. note the guy in the middle with a fedora on at Notting Hill Carnival. at Holi festival Battersea. view from Greenwich Park the canal path at Kings Cross Field Day festival Victoria Park Hackney
  4. Yeah it's one of the best videos ever made. I have no idea what's going on with Youtube right now seriously.
  5. The Guard 3/10 I tried to watch this and couldn't as the main jokes seemed to hinge on the main character being rascist, Irish and into sex with strippers. What a dissappointment.
  6. That reminds me of this... I can't seem to find a decent version of that awesome video. What's wrong with YouTube these days? FFS
  7. *braces self* Now bend over... *kicks jasondonervan's ass* *runs away*
  8. It's a taxidermy museum in the West Bank http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/the-taxidermy-mausoleum-on-the-west-bank
  9. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. OMG I just found a veritable treasure trove of quite horrific taxdermy.
  11. You don't have to rate everything Charles, that's the Rate the music the person above you is listening to thread. That's on the other page...
  12. veggie burger with lettuce, onions and reggae reggae sauce
  13. sorry but you have to know the truth sometime. sure it'll hurt for a while, but one day you'll thank me for it.
  14. i hate to be a party pooper, but that is blatantly photoshop.
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