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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. Meh. Then you are posting this in the wrong thread!
  2. I did not enjoy my lunch today, I had to have white bread sandwiches instead of brown.
  3. What? Hey what does this "jazz" thing mean anyway?
  4. Just get a fedora and sign up to OKCupid, everything will be fine.
  5. If you are seriously turning to those shoes as a form of solace, I think that suicide is the only reasonable solution.
  6. Pics or I don't believe you. Aw there there. *pats on back*
  7. Oh no not Nikes. I was going to ask you if you fancied getting a coffee sometime, but now... not so much.
  8. Belongs in taxidermy gone wrong thread.
  9. I had my midlife crisis at 30, don't worry everything gets much easier afterwards believe me. Go ahead and buy all the shit you want, you'll be dead soon anyway and won't get to enjoy it.
  10. Beasts of the Southern Wild 7.5/10 I really liked this film although it was a bit of a mess plotwise. It didn't make a lot of sense until I realised the flow of the film was completely dependent on the child and what she was feeling emotionally. Then I just kinda went with it and enjoyed it from that angle. The girl who played the main character wad good.
  11. Lovefilm has a load of good films on the instant package right now. I watched Casa de mi Padre last night and really enjoyed it. 8/10
  12. Happy not-killing-anyone-anniversary!!! Wish I could say the same.
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