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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Pirtek

  1. So nice to have a higher quality (and longer) version of it now! They look nice!
  2. In my eyes (or should I say to my ears) Dave is definitely a "Twin".
  3. Pirtek


    I'm sure I saw that shop when I went to Italy a couple of years ago!
  4. Loving these!! I'm favouring the Custom Groove Set at the moment
  5. Got my email. I'll be downloading them as soon as I get home!!
  6. Pirtek


    I watched this version not too long ago I bought part one of this
  7. Working my way through my MNLTH vinyl's in preparation for his new stuff
  8. A remastered version of Dissolution I will appear on my forthcoming album.
  9. Agree with you. Very good EP. I also agree with your Hollowed comment. For me the pinical of his output. I was super hyped when this was released. The bar was set.
  10. Spot on! I'm all over the place/back and forth listening to his music at the moment. Having a good time though!
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