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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by kakapo

  1. I've read the last page of this thread.  I could go back to the beginning to find out what this nonsense is about.  Or I could press the tip of my foreskinless penis against a hot radiator in an attempt to feel something,  anything, at all.

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  2. 5 hours ago, rhmilo said:

    Ooh ... *very* nice. How is the availability of parts for Buchla systems?


    Yeah, that always seemed to be a problem with the older clones, but the pabz ones seemed to have either revisions and substitutions or samodular has the rarer parts that he's happy to sell you when buying the pcbs.  Still working out a plan to make sure it is actually feasible and within my skill set.  Looks like samodular is going to be offering full kits at some point soon.  Some of the 3rd party 208 expanders are interesting too, utilities but also a licensed synthi oscillator.


  3. 6 hours ago, rhmilo said:

    Awesome plan.

    I have a similar one, but with Serge. Probably from CGS designs.

    Do you have a link for the “pabz 208p”? Google comes up with nothing.



    I think I'm going to go 208p and then marf, but that's a pretty big rabbit hole, so may look at 218 options instead, so in effect an easel and a bit more self contained.

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  4. I should also add, if you're not keen on that amount of ginger, leave it out, but you might want to re-balance the curry as it is one of the things that helps to cut through the richness. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, dingformung said:

    Is it okay to use finely diced ginger at a push?

    As long as its freshly diced and not preserved in any way I don't see why not, but I would drastically cut down the amount as a cup of diced ginger is going to be a lot more by weight than julienned.  The ginger in a Gaeng Hang Lay isn't so much a part of the usual (Indian/Burmese) curry triumvirate as onion, garlic ginger, as there's galangal in the paste, it is its own thing, somewhere between a garnish and a vegetable.  The strips in the picture below is all ginger.  The round little onions are presumably thai shallots, which is probably a more authentic substitute for the chopped onion in my recipe.  Some recipes will use the chopped ginger purely as a garnish at the end, but I like to make an integral part of the curry like below.  That's also a pretty thick sauce by most standards.




    Here's a more refined image.  This deep mahogany red is what I usually try to aim for.  It will always be darker than a red curry due to soy/oyster and the dried spices, but it shouldn't be a uniform murky brown either.




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  6. Ok, since people are talking about Chiang Mai, here's a classic dish from there, though it's popular across the whole of northern (& central) Thailand with numerous variations.  In one of my books I even have a recipe that eschews the curry paste for sriracha straight from the squeezy bottle.  This version is closer to a classic Chiang Mai style.


    Gaeng Hung Lay, a northern pork curry.


    Gaeng is Thai for curry, Hung is Burmese for curry.  So it's basically a Thai curry with strong Burmese influences.  It's a pretty forgiving curry to make, with relatively easy to find ingredients, with one exception which I will talk about below.  As long as you cook it low and slow there's not a lot to go wrong.  It's an analogue of the Massaman from the south, being a 'foreign' curry with a flavour profile of relatively mild, salty, sweet and sour, but the richness comes from fatty pork, not from coconut milk  The recipe that follows is how I would cook it as a mid week supper, not to show off any cooking skills or as a demonstration of authenticity.  Having said that it's still a crowd pleaser in any form.

    This is enough for 2-3 people.  Just scale up if cooking for more.

    • 500 gr pork belly.  You can use half pork, half shoulder if you want to, but don't completely miss out the belly, its what makes the curry.
    • Chopped onion.
    • 2 Tbsp Red curry paste, homemade, thai brand in plastic jar, supermarket own brand, doesn't matter, just makes sure it's a paste and not some generic red curry sauce as there is no coconut in this curry.  
    • 1 tsp-1 Tbsp of either dark soy sauce or oyster sauce.
    • 1/4 cup of freshly roasted peanuts (unsalted obvs)
    • 1-2 Tbsp of tamarind paste.  If you can't get this use lime juice, but only add it at the end of cooking
    • 2 Tbsp fish sauce
    • 1-2 Tbsp palm sugar
    • 1 cup of julienned ginger (yes that seems a lot, but it's right)
    • 1 cup of water
    • Pickled thai garlic.  This is the one ingredient you might struggle to find, but a decent asian supermarket should have it.  Thai garlic is smaller than the usual stuff and you can find jars of whole bulbs in pickling brine.  You need 2-3 bulbs whole and 1/2 cup of the pickling liquid.  If you can't find this I have in the past substituted in generic asian white vinegar.  Do this towards the end of cooking, and go a tbsp at a time, you won't need to add in 1/2 cup.  You're looking for the vinegar to just cut through the fatty richness of the curry and should be in balance with the sweetness of the palm sugar and the sourness of the tamarind.  You might need to re-balance with some extra fish or soy sauce also.  Some people add individual cloves of pickled garlic in, I leave them whole.
    • Gaeng Hung Lay spice mixture.  Every vendor has their own recipe.  Some contain dozens of spices, some are very simple.  A good basic mix that will get you most of the way there is 1tsp ground coriander(ideally freshly roasted and ground) 1tsp garam masala, and 1tsp turmeric. 
    • Optional is to add in some green beans but I like to serve the veggies on the side.
    • No need for any fresh herbs or garnishes.     


    Get a decent sized pot, couple of tbsp of oil, medium heat, add in the onion and soften a bit.  Chop up the pork belly, I usually go for 1-2" sized bits, and brown off with the onions, a bit off fat will come out of the meat, this is fine.  Add in the curry paste and cook it out in the oil and pork fat for about 5 mins, don't let it burn, turn heat down if necessary.  Turn the pot down to lowest setting.  Then add in palm sugar, fish sauce, soy or oyster sauce, give it a stir let it combine and coat the pork.  Add in the dried spices.  Add in the pickling brine and garlic bulbs.  Add in the water.  Add in the tamarind.  Add in the peanuts and ginger.  Bring it up to a simmer.  If you were cooking this in Thailand you would give it about an hour, Thai's like a bit of bite to their meat.  However, I prefer to leave it another hour so that the pork belly is melting and tender.  You might have to top up with water to stop it drying out after the first hour.  Check for seasoning and adjust accordingly.  I prefer a fairly thick gravy, some argue that it should be a looser more soup like curry.  It's down to preference.  Similarly serve with either jasmine or sticky rice, there are advocates for both.  Serve at room temperature.  One of the few Thai curries to improve when reheated the next day.  






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  7. A former school friend lives up near Berwick in the Scottish borders.  He is adamant that he has met one of the brothers as part of a hiking and twitching social group.  He's not a BoC or electronic music fan and only realised when a friend pointed out to him.  He can't remember which one it was, he seemed to think he was called Andy for some reason.  You can believe this if you want, but he's not one to make stuff up, he's a GP and quite a serious person.  Anyway, I mention this as it's perfectly possible that they just have different interests and priorities beyond music these days.

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  8. 4 hours ago, Plum said:

    You are my old watmm attachment. 

    Plum, this brought a tear to my eye.  I think we should declare a truce.  I'm sorry if I ever hurt you, I know I can be caustic and cantankerous, but it's only because I've been hurt by other watmmers before.  I need to keep an emotional distance.  I still can't believe he's gone for good and its been 16 years.




  9. fyi it's Loudest Warning.

    I have a 7u intellijel case with euroserge, all diy.  R*S looks to be stopping the diy option for the euro serge, which makes it a more expensive option compared to 'normal' euro, so that one case is my limit, but I love it.  The guy who runs LW is super helpful, if you're serious about getting a serge panel I would suggest contacting him with what you're after.   


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  10. I've just realized that the 'insert existing attachment'  media option goes back quite a long way.  I can't post most of them now due to being nsfw.  Feels like a time capsule. @Plum you must have some good ones, you degenerate piece of shit.  Also the crochet dildo finally arrived.  It's nice and well made, but you didn't read the brief.  It was to go over an existing dildo as a sort of tea cosy for when I have guests round.  I don't want them to see the colour of the dildo if you know what I mean.  You've sent me a solid crocheted penis in the dimensions of my actual dildo.  Currently using it as a draft excluder at the front door.  Anyway post your old attachments thread.  


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  11. Inglorious Basterds I found unwatchable due to the director's smugness smothering the whole thing.  See also Magnolia for a similar effect by PT Anderson.  Truly dreadful not just as film, but as any human endeavor.   

  12. 3 hours ago, Plum said:

    I am sorry Kakapo. I’m sorry you’re a lycra clad-road bike-bummy-gang wannabe. 

    I bet you linger down side roads and alleyways on your tricycle, in your homemade clingfilm outfit that you’ve adorned with brand logos like GIANT, Shimano & Team Sky using Sharpies. Waiting for groups of unaware cyclists to pass by, so you can tag on behind and imagine what it’s like to have real friends (even if it is only briefly, before they notice your mouth stench, pick up the pace and shake you off like the unwanted turd you are)


    edit: your knees are bad due to years of noshing-off strangers in public toilets in exchange for single cigarettes.


    Plum, you should know that true friendships can still be ephemeral, still contain profound beauty no matter how short.  The Japanese have a phrase for it.  Mono no aware.  Look it up.  I would've expected you to understand this after your experience of organising a 'bring your mandolin' night at a local pub in the provincial shithole that you call home.  Might have been a good idea in 2009.  Not too sure about 2019.  You told me you had dreams of meeting a quirky hipster girl like that one in 300 days of Summer.  You turned up in your best outfit which consisted of a blue harbour check shirt and jeans that were too tight for you by about 30lbs.  Still couldn't see the outline of your penis though.  Nobody turned up.  You'd already knocked back a couple of Stellas for courage, thinking that tonight was going to be the night, when Julie the postmistress and her gaggle of prosecco soaked harridans walked in.  You carried on drinking, and things got a little bit hazy didn't they?  To this day you're still not sure exactly how it happened.  I was there Plum, I was there watching.  I paid Julie to do it.  I like to watch.  I like to take photos.          

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  13. Also your knees are shot by that age so if you want to do reasonably intense cardio its one of the better options.

    Plum, unless I have a full and sincere apology by midnight tonight there will be consequences.

    • Haha 1
  14. 9 minutes ago, kakapo said:

     grandiose boasts 


    9 minutes ago, Plum said:

     Julie was very appreciative of my kind and heartfelt review, and did in fact reward me with a book of commemorative Harry Potter stamps.


    Right on cue.  So predictable.  He told me once he'd been on holiday to China and when he came back he could speak Chinese fluently and that's why he got free prawn crackers every time he got a takeaway.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

    What is the story behind this legendary watmm rivalry?

    Plum is the epitome of the bootlicking LTM.  To this day he still sends me harassing private messages with grandiose boasts and ill conceived threats.

  16. 2 hours ago, Plum said:

    I know I’m old. Last week I wrote a charming review for my local post office.

    I doubt that very much, I've had antibiotic resistant infections more charming than you.  Old Masego Mbengo behind the counter isn't going to give you free stamps just because you gave a 5 star google review.  Idiot.  

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  17. I stopped using the rogaine years ago and my hair fell out again at the crown.  However I haven't cut my hair for 14 months and can use it to cover my bald patch in various exciting ways.  I'm now going to try micro needling my scalp. 

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