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Everything posted by Rpeg

  1. this is a pretty bad movie and I'd love someone to convince me I'm wrong. there are interesting ingredients: sound design, some of the lighting and scene stuff, maybe two acting moments. it's pretty. it does not make a good movie. it feels sterile, and the soundtrack is boring and apes vangelis hard, but in a boring way. this is like star wars ep7 all over again where a massive crew of people attempt tirelessly to capture old magic, and instead make lifeless ingredients which amount to an uncomfortable echo. shame on me I guess for re-watching the original last week and re-reading the book too. at least that was enjoyable
  2. I work a block from where the shooting happened, I'm 100% convinced it was unrelated to the march, which was happening blocks away and was peaceful. The shooting was in front of a trash 711 that always has sketchy fucks outside it. Also that was two days ago
  3. Not sure that admiring successful rhetoric while throwing ethics in the can will take us anywhere worth going. We already know the most depraved leaders in history were masters of rhetoric, it goes hand-in-hand with totalitarianism. Does not demand respect whatsoever
  4. The trump vs Clinton dichotomy, flimsy as it was 24hr ago is now completely moot
  5. It seems like a conclusion of deep pathological thinking in people to elect such a person. But then what if it wasn't a fair election? My optimism makes it easier to swallow fraud than the alternative, because both possibilities are absurd to me. The last thing I expected was trump to win popular vote. There are sick belief systems at play here which is the most troubling thing to me.
  6. I live in this country and I can't make sense of this.
  7. Rpeg

    elseq 1-5

    I couldn't get into AE_LIVE too deeply, it's dense and meandering at times and of course makes perfect sense live, just hasn't had the same effect in my headphones. elseq is utterly fascinating, and two months later feels bottomless. I love taking my time with this one. I'm enjoying this more than exai.
  8. Rpeg

    Cheetah EP

    posts about his cheetah ep sticker
  9. Rpeg

    elseq 1-5

    It's no longer in stock on TDR's shop but there are still posters avail at the AE blerp store
  10. Rpeg

    elseq 1-5

    Every time I revisit elseq I'm floored by it. Something unfolds in a new way on each listen. 13x0 step is a recent favorite. A logical conclusion along Autechre's trajectory will be installing the next album and letting it unfurl organically forever. I personally love the long format, 20+ minute let everything hang out and shift around tracks. It complements the mind perfectly. I hesitate to call elseq my favorite release, but I am in love with their output from Exai forward.
  11. Rpeg

    Cheetah EP

    Yeah, I was thinking today that this decade has seen some of the finest output from all these guys, and we're only halfway through. I wonder too if we'll ever again see something like the elseq + digging remedy + cheetah release sprint. If you had told me in 2005 that Aphex Twin, Plaid, and Autechre would continue to put out solid releases in 2016, I would 100% not fucking believe it. What a time to be alive. ugh I want to listen again but I also want lossless.
  12. Rpeg

    Cheetah EP

    I hadn't gotten around to hearing any of the preview tracks yet, but last night I smoked a bowl (which I don't do often) just to sit down and give this stream a full listen with monitor headphones. Wow. First track knocked me on my ass. After I finished I wanted to play it again, but decided to save it for release and full stereo? There are some sensual grooves on here, I can almost call this sexy, and the background melodies.. solid, solid release. Looking forward to an even more proper listen next week.
  13. Rpeg

    Cheetah EP

    where'd he say this?
  14. Those Lake Eola swans are pretty much complete dick-holes, and I'm certain s/he had it coming. Scary fuckers show their teeth to everyone who passes. I hope the continued efforts of Orlando's meth-fueled park inhabitants will keep those horrible birds at bay. Kinda miss home.
  15. Horrific and tragic, but having grown up in Florida, all the locals know not to go near water, especially at night, and especially with small dogs or children. It's not hyperbolic to explain that every body of water in Florida has gators in it. The things are not aggressive but feed at dusk and eat small prey. It makes sense in touristy areas to have alligator warning signs posted near water, of which I've seen plenty myself.
  16. Rpeg

    elseq 1-5

    pendulu hv moda. if I'm not careful, I'll declare this my favorite ae track of the last ten years My response to Elseq1-5's long-format, let everything breathe and tumble around is 100% yes, please. I've been walking around the city every day letting Elseq bang against architecture and coloring new streets I've never been down before, and riding the bus during peak hours with people of all shapes shuffling around in-and-out-of shifting rhythms. This is all I want right now as I explore Seattle in my first few weeks moving to a new city. my shorts are wet.
  17. Rpeg

    elseq 1-5

    elseq plays like a stretched out beats tape, and I'm loving every minute I've heard. Stellar release and the consistent percussion makes it easy to get into. future hiphop etc.
  18. Rpeg

    elseq 1-5

    Agreed, everything they've done since Exai has been bliss for me. 4+ hours of meditative hiphop ramblings, I'm going to have a boner for weeks
  19. Rpeg


    humans have a natural soothing response to any steady, rhythmic pulse, due to the association from the mothers' heartbeat while in the womb. one can express the soothing effect by rocking or moving to it. obviously teenagers don't want to look like babies, so we had to add the peer pressure thing where dancing to music is cool and enjoying the rhythm makes you trendy. if we wern't told to dance, would we still do it? we'd probably still find it soothing to hear heartbeat/pulse sounds. maybe we'd all be masturbating excessively to them instead, who knows. sometimes 'dancing', or shifting your weight around, shuffling a bit eases the tedium of standing still in one spot, for an hour or more. also, it's not impossible to have synesthetic sorts of reactions to really visceral, percussive sounds.. something that might cause you to wince, or recoil. or you can sort of 'roll with the punches', as James "Lights Out" Toney. dancing is fun.
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