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Leon Sumbitches

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Leon Sumbitches

  1. God bless the noble meme curators of this thread
  2. Shit, this is a proper fwp. Best of luck for whatever comes next, man!
  3. Haha cheers guys! I generally have a pretty decent diet imo, lots of fruit, porridge, brown rice, home-cooked stuff, not a lot of processed crap, so I don't think that's really the issue. That's actually part of the reason I started exercising in the first place; I'm a pretty slim dude and realised that I could probably be in decent enough physical nick if I just made the effort. I'm never going to be super-ripped or anything but that's not really the goal for me, just to stay trim and feel good. I'm probably not even working out that hard by a lot of people's standards. I reckon my body's still just getting used to actually having to do things other than sit in a chair, walk in the woods and run for trains, lol. Definitely aiming for slow and steady improvement rather than tearing through stuff that's way above my level and then burning out, though. ***I got ripped in SIX WEEKS with the Bulk VanderHooj method, CLICK HERE!***
  4. I've started doing exercise (just basic shit, push-ups, sit ups, squats) which I suppose is a fws because I've stuck with my little routine for 4 weeks now and am definitely feeling the benefit, but holy shit, on exercise days (3 days a week) I feel completely done in afterwards. Like, tired to the point of just about being able to get on with my other day-to-day stuff. Tell me this shit gets easier. I think it's partly the cold-ass winter weather as well which means once I sit down in the evening I can just about summon the wherewithal to stand up again.
  5. Just made a load of seafood pasta and after eating it realised that the teflon coating in my wok has started to disintegrate and flake away so I've unwillingly ingested a good deal of it. Although upon closer inspection it may not be a fwp; the internet says it can't hurt me so who knows. Still have to get a new wok. On the plus side, the pasta was ballin'
  6. Limpy and Chen present Tha Chessmastazz Debate And the album art is Dana Scully and a hunchback leaning over a chessboard like a gangsta version of those old Chessmaster PC games from the '90s, with poorly-shopped thunderclouds in the background.
  7. lol @ the review and lol @ Rektamovic
  8. God bless those brave men for being able to take on those dirty hippies who, as you can see, are armed and extremely dangerous.
  9. Really like that design/album art. Almost looks like the box of an old Atari game or something. Proper old-school Dream Theater vibes at 5.30 or so onwards for sure.
  10. I'm not a grind person by any stretch of the imagination but this is top notch
  11. Stellar work, dank team. Too many lols on this page to list
  12. yeah really need to watch this, seems like Adam Curtis has out-done himself. check out his other documentaries too, perfect for a bleak night in lush music too, there's some AFX in the trailer for it Looking forward to snuggling up with a jay for this, his last one about atomic shenanigans was a beaut
  13. I love Seventth Son, partly because it's a bit of a weird outlier in terms of the concept album vibe and the heavy synth use and also because I have nostalgic memories of borrowing the CD from my library as a young teenager and getting my dad to burn a copy for me. Pretty out-there cover art as well. Also, what a tune; the little medieval outro is just the icing on the cake:
  14. Got several hundred quid back pay from my old job, didn't even realise I was owed it so it feels like free money, Monopoly chance-card style.
  15. Heard this on a Julian Cope mix of mad '60s psychedelicia (worth a listen in itself): Unhinged proto-BM gear from 1969: Heavy.
  16. Fuck, this is awesome! Proper old school territory Also never been a huge Slayer fan but even so Araya's scream at the start of Angel of Death remains one of the all-time masterful metal moments. Fucking lethal.
  17. Flol I can't get enough of these. The Brian Eno one was gold too.
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