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Everything posted by drome

  1. Found out about this beauty recently Got repressed. Every track is good.
  2. drome

    Brexit :(

    Actively fucking nasty sums up the tories to a tee. They are venal vultures, and they’re totally inept (as highlighted by brexit). We need change desperately.
  3. Thanks to TheMixedHerb:) https://old.reddit.com/r/Retconned/comments/b5ohex/footage_of_dolly_with_braces/ moonraker vhs warped residue of dolly with braces dollysbracesareback.png Just like I remember the scene Right, drome? Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love, Forgive, Heal and have Fun:) Right diatoms! The not having braces thing spins me out a tad, must admit. That was the whole point of the scene. Remember it vividly. edit - just watched the vid you posted and that’s exactly as I remember it. So, did they edit out the braces? Gah, I’m off to work.
  4. Blade Runner remake could’ve done with stuff like this for the soundtrack
  5. Manju beat me to it. Same page too. Tune though.
  6. Some Aleksi Perälä sounds well trancey and I bloody love it
  7. In fact, it makes you amongst the most humane, fit to walk with the likes of King and Gandhi. This article does nice work addressing the often neglected but highest cost of wars, those who fight: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/the-deep-unfairness-of-americas-all-volunteer-force/??
  8. Lol aren’t they doing this already: https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/solar-geoengineering-sun-blocking-spray-climate-change-global-warming-harvard-a8817506.html
  9. Oh and isn’t Britain one of the worlds largest producers of medicinal cannabis. Happy enough to sell it to the rest of the world but only grudgingly lets its own population have it at an extortionate price. Such good fortune, much great news.
  10. Yeah it’s available but the cost is ridiculous. How can it cost that much to make? Smells of tories.
  11. First medicinal cannabis clinic opens in Britain. Costs £600 p/m. Nice 1 Britain.
  12. Entire dinner on floor karma police got their manchild guilty as charged soz
  13. Piss in mouth said the message in the public toilet. Fucken sex cases.
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