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Everything posted by drome

  1. Cheers! Heard this on a mix some years back. Glad to finally track it down Also nice:
  2. ^ Damn! Fine haul. Lost Trax - Lost Trax Squared London Modular Alliance - Wireless Ultradyne - Ocular Animus EOD - Named Teslasonic - Quantum Paradox Transllusion - A Moment Of Insanity The 7th Plain - Shades Amaze Concept EP Matt Whitehead - Bombing EP Volruptus - Hessdalen Ultradyne - Antarctica Terrace - Midiology Various - Artificial Signal Network Ultradyne - Resurrection Catharsis Ray Escortienda - El Nueva York EP Various - Urbi Et Orbi Steve Rutter & John Shima - Step Into The Light Baby Ford & The Ifach Collective - Sacred Machine
  3. For example? You seem to have a fine record for deflection btw. Franklin scandal cover-up, for one (pizzagate thread).
  4. Pffft. Stick your head in the sand where it belongs. If that's the best place to avoid hearing from useful idiots for the world's worst despots, like Caitlin Johnstone, then fine. Useful idiot would be best used closer to home as you have a fine track record of leaping to the defense of anyone in authority who’s accused of wrongdoing.
  5. You are? Boy’s Town defender. I remember.
  6. Pffft. Stick your head in the sand where it belongs.
  7. Being skeptical of warmongers with a track record of blatant lies and misinformation does not make you mentally ill. Labeling us as nuts is insulting and tantamount to abusive gaslighting folks. Pls read: https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2018/04/25/never-let-anyone-call-you-crazy-for-doubting-establishment-war-narratives/
  8. . ooft that's pretty frightening. here's hoping this is just one of those flash in the pan shitty ideas that fizzles out. the whole 'the socialist marxists are taking over' talking point is such a lazy excuse, if you're going to change it you'd better have a damn good fkn argument with loads of great points about what this is doing and how it will benefit people but this seems to be the easiest way to win over the masses so why bother. it's pretty sad to see the same mentality that has maintained and exacerbated inequality over the years turns and points the finger at the people with the ideas and policies that actually aim to support others, and blame them for the problems they created in the first place. and it works, goddamnit it. these are people who explicitly don't give a fuck about disadvantaged people because they think a completely chaotic and complex system is infallable and every single person who is in a poverty deserves it because they weren't good at playing by the rules of the system. you would have to be the biggest arsehole to be that shallow and arrogant and yet somehow we let these people make rules that dictate how society should function. yeah that sounds smart, good job everyone. nuts innit
  9. Really tastefully done. Getting quite a bandcamp backlog.
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