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Everything posted by drome

  1. Look I’m done with this. You’d happily give up your freedom for likes and validation. Please carry on with your lockdown circle jerk and disregard the effect it has on EVERYONE’s mental welfare. Good luck.
  2. Hardly anyone is dying. Look around you. It’s not that difficult.
  3. I certainly will and you stick to the script in an effort to maintain your sanity.
  4. In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act - George Orwell
  5. So I’m the idiot for daring to question this debacle. You’re like a bunch of cultists.
  6. Absolutely facile comebacks. You keep sticking rigidly to your scripts. Obviously no room for reasonable discussion here.
  7. Could say the same about you. What are you all about? You think it’s worth ruining the livelihoods of millions of people over a statistically small mortality rate?
  8. Won’t even entertain the idea that the risk is extremely exaggerated then?
  9. How many people do you know who’ve had this and died from it? Simple question. (not aimed at disinfo mongers)
  10. Thank the heavens for ‘real’ science and boooo to that wrongthink
  11. I’m sorry to rattle your cages, to upset your world view. It’s time to stop blindly trusting mass media and slurring those who challenge these fucks as nutters. Politicians are corrupt liars and puppets; this is widely recognised. Resist corporate control in any way possible because they are not looking out for our best interests. This doesn’t necessarily mean all out revolution. Passive resistance is a good start. Yeah thanks for quoting wikipedia, that’s put my mind at rest. Science is for sale these days sunshine.
  12. All while we’re locked down due a... flu virus. What will it take before people say enough is enough.
  13. Pffft you’re obviously blue pilled and don’t you dare tell me what I can post. You stick to your own delusions woo woo boy
  14. He’s not a bug eyed conspiracy person, although he covers those topics. Very well researched. Watch and make your own mind up but don’t be duped by very powerful vested interests into believing they’re benevolent. It’s beyond naive to trust the elite echelons in our society. They are not humble, common folk. Surely you recognise this?
  15. Absolutely! Inject us with anything, right? No cause for cause for concern that prominent vaxxer Bill Gates’ father was high up in the US eugenics movement. No problem. No way, nope.
  16. Killer material. Turn up and grin madly. This needs to go on Bandcamp:
  17. Society rewards people with psychopathic traits far too much. Until humanity does something about it, things will only get worse.
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