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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by hoggy

  1. About racism, but also applies to other dirty jokes if you apply it a bit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4YJAs6Cv9I
  2. neil hamburger, doug stanhope, dylan moran, tiffany haddish, maria bamford, louis ck
  3. what's your favourite horror film? Not going to answer that. 2deep4me. Not The Babadook, obviously. It's nothing deep I just wondered what your taste is because to me Babadook was maybe the best horror I've seen (I've not seen a lot though)
  4. I saw it at 9pm I love the hunger games films, I especially loved all the propaganda stuff and the sense of anxiety about the possible new regime I also found the stylist character and the affection for her fascinating - though she is sort of simple and ignorant, there is still something noble and lovable about her what's your favourite horror film?
  5. oxygen is prehistoric bacteria waste
  6. I'm not talking about healthy or not, I just mean when you think about what it really is - like a glass of milk for example Milk comes out of cows tits
  7. food is so disgusting, like look at that ^ pig slurry tubes covered in spicy ground up cow sauce with chunks of root boiled in oil with a side of chopped up leaves and roots in chicken ova emulsion
  8. I thought Nightcrawler was pretty good - I was surprised how much the audience was laughing yeah, you basically waiting for something to happen all film, but nothing actually happen.. that ominous feeling of waiting, and life just passes by.. "You know how everyone's always saying seize the moment? I don't know, I'm kind of thinking it's the other way around, you know, like the moment seizes us." spoiler?
  9. DJ I was thinking about making a DJ name for this thread and then I thought how about this one where I just ramble on for ages about nothing in particular, sort of like word salad like sometimes when you see a crazy person in the street just talking away - I saw a guy doing that the other day in the corner shop, I'm not sure what he was buying but none of the words made any sense even though he sounded sort of like he was having a laugh with a mate or something like yrrrrr spruuuund and we is grrbllrrr jrrrblaa am i am i am i oppwell if weeeuughh warggghhh spruuugh khaamlla - that sort of thing. I guess it was schizophrenia, that can cause word salad. So like that kind of thing except more asinine like Hank Hill always says "that's asinine", and yeah so it is pretty asinine and I know nobody is going to reason, I suppose it's more boring because I explained at the begninning what it was - like where I said I'd just ramble on for ages, and the I used the term 'word salad' - I'm mixing different quotation marks now aren't I? It's amazing how long you can keep writing without saying anything meaningful. Like this thread, haha! What a stupid thread this is really, I mean it just goes on an on and on for no reason, it's like a compulsion that nobody can leave it alone, I wonder why that is (well anyway, this is my contribution) - but yeah, why can't anyone leave it alone? Well it does get the odd laugh off people, but I'm pretty sure this isn't going to make anyone laugh. I wonder what the maximum post length is - I hope I don't write all this and then it gets lost... well I'll copy it to the clipboard before I click [ Post ] - but yeah what a tragic loss that would be, I've put so much time into this, maybe 5 minutes already and still!! not said anything at all really!! You can talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and it almost just forms a sort of verbal texture - just words that exist to flesh out the original idea which was to write something with no content that just rambles on and on and on and on and on, and I don't know how I'm going to stop now, I feel like it needs some sort of punchline, but that's sort of impossible... premise: a bunch of aimless writing that's just a bunch of word salad, punchline: um.... whoa, that's the first time I stopped writing since I started this post (dumb post) - that's interesting, because I suppose a punchline would be content of sorts - I say interesting, but it's not really interesting is it? It's just another something something something. Uhhh... what now? I sort of write like I think in my head, that's why I use all the hyphens and ellipses (which is a fancy word for dot dot dot) - I guess there is no real way to finish this thing is there? What am I going to do?! It's been at least 10 minutes now and it's probably mostly going to be deleted anyway! I should probably just stop.
  10. DJ Fresh Wipe Yo DJ is a fluid material used to coat or adhere together
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