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Everything posted by doublename

  1. A lot of it is horribly generic. The same Sabbath/Kyuss style riffs played with the same tone. Torche are one of the few bands who are doing something interesting with the sound, imo. I'm not familiar with them, but that's awesome.
  2. Damn, if you're going to release a movie in two parts, do it Spring-Fall, not a whole year apart. Bastards. If current trends hold, I'll probably be to bitter and cynical to bother either way though.
  3. I can't get into Doom or Stoner stuff no matter what I do. So sad.
  4. Just finished my Sopranos rewatch, moving on to Deadwood.
  5. wat http://pitchfork.com/news/55851-joy-division-and-new-orders-bernard-sumner-announces-chapter-and-verse-autobiography/ No Peter Hook though...
  6. why not? Because every man is a rapist until he proves he's not Nah, mayne, just the rich old ones who go out of their way to project a family friendly image. They harbor the deepest of perversions.
  7. Is rubbing your dongle on a woman's hand after drugging her rape, per se?
  8. What was the reasoning behind returning Bob? Did the terminoids really think Bob wouldn't tell his people he was now tainted meat? Did I miss something while Wattming?
  9. I've heard rumblings about this for a while. It wouldn't surprise me, but of course nothing has ever been proven.
  10. Damn, Cumbleblatch would have perfect for Sandman.
  11. That sounds pretty cool, might have to look into this title. Just got this, it's pretty cool, did they ever do a volume 2? Can't seem to find a mention of it anywhere. There hasn't been a second volume. I want to believe though.
  12. Hulkbuster.... I see we've already arrived at the heroes constantly fighting heroes era of the MCU. Ultron will probably survive the film by jumping into Tony's new Apple Watch at the last second.
  13. BRILLIANT! James, that already happened on the TV show no one watched.
  14. 90s Hondas were especially easy to steal, I think. Source: My mom was a prosecutor in Newark, NJ.
  15. Just finished Fell vol. 1 - Feral City. It's a nice, nasty crime book with a sort of unhinged David Lynch meets Silent Hill 2 vibe. Have another Red Bull and finish this shit Warren pls
  16. Anyone reading Supreme: Blue Rose? It's so good to have Warren Ellis back doing monthly comics. not read their stuff. recommendations? fatale? Read Criminal, mayne.
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