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Everything posted by olo

  1. I think there's at least an, I dunno, 100% probability? th-that the clown is beneath the makeup just an average looking person who is predisposed to committing heinous murders, whilst those who are deemed the "freaks" based on outward appearance will be shown to be of noble, dignified spirit and worthy of respect. Actually no, but what I was thinking as well. We were wrong. They showed it last night. And the freaks are not of noble spirit either. Actually, really no protagonist in the show that I can see at this point. Maybe the 1 of the 2 headed chicks heads is? maybe. A ridiculous show also. It's really not good.
  2. olo


    I'm praying the rosary for you phudoshin with as many old women I can find in my workplace
  3. looks like that, but i think that's a different guy in that photo. The mouth is just a mask though, but what's underneath it is unknown at this point. I'm sure they'll do something twisted with it when they reveal it. Check out the opening title sequence. always the best part of this show. [youtubehd]ZFLKPMLdR2c[/youtubehd]
  4. That clown looks freaked as fuck, lemme know when they get to him. He's already in. Very stabby.
  5. Yea. He's following the x-men for some reason. Didn't know there was a crossover in the works.
  6. just old & skunked my friend. Probably sitting on the shelf forever. There are stores I go to & know they get rid of old product after a period of time. Reputable places that care about the consumer. There are also stores that have about 10 years worth of dust on bottles & could give a shit about the customer. "We have 1000s of microbrews, largest selection in state, blah blah blah." That's great, but, it's old & quite shit. You have to be careful when buying lower abv brews from places like that. Look to ratebeer or beer advocate & search stores in your area. Should be reviews about whether you should give them your business or not for the most part. no leffe bashing here either. Thanks for the quick reply. I'll try it again, a very studious store just opened up next to me and they have it. I had leffe not too long ago & I don't remember there being any issues with it. I do find from talking with friends who've been overseas, they do say the lower abv import beers we drink in the states do taste better in europe or whathaveyou. I wonder if it's just a lengthy distribution process with import beers that give the "heineken" effect to lower abv import beers. Not sure. Could be a combination of that & just store owners not rotating out old product.
  7. just old & skunked my friend. Probably sitting on the shelf forever. There are stores I go to & know they get rid of old product after a period of time. Reputable places that care about the consumer. There are also stores that have about 10 years worth of dust on bottles & could give a shit about the customer. "We have 1000s of microbrews, largest selection in state, blah blah blah." That's great, but, it's old & quite shit. You have to be careful when buying lower abv brews from places like that. Look to ratebeer or beer advocate & search stores in your area. Should be reviews about whether you should give them your business or not for the most part. no leffe bashing here either.
  8. So it should be alright for a year or so? It'll definitely be ok for a year. Some minor modification of flavour to be expected. 2nded. Do not cellar high ABV DIPAs though. You lose the hop bitterness/flavor over extended cellaring. Tastes more like a strong ale. But, I've done it & sometimes enjoy the change in flavor profile. Definitely good advice. Really, for beers that showcase a complex hop character, get them as fresh as humanly possible, preferably straight from the tap and into either a glass or a growler (for drinking within about 24 hours). Ironically for something that was originally intended as a preservative, the hoppiness itself changes character quite a bit on the shelf and in transport. There are heavily-hopped beers that the above doesn't apply to, and tons of beers that you'd want to mellow out, but the super hop-focused, intentionally "flowery" stuff tastes so much nicer when fresh. I'm pretty spoiled by having a few good IPA-focused breweries close by, mind you. Currently miss filling the growler with Stone's Enjoy By IPA series something fierce. Edit: on that subject, see http://enjoyby.stonebrewing.com/ I should clarify, if you're a "hop-head", & that is the ingredient you look to/love most about a beer, do not cellar for extended periods. There are your dipas that are very malt heavy & drink like a strong ale already (could probably sit on those for awhile). In general though, you'll get diminishing returns. As Baph said, there are tons of brews that are heavily hopped that can be cellared. Many imperials of many styles where the hops aren't necessarily to be in the forefront like an IPA. I mainly age imperial stouts & strong ales aged in BB. Takes a little heat off after 6 months to a year. I've only gone over 2 years once I think. And really, not sure if it made the brew any more interesting. I think aging over a year in general should really be left to sours, quads or generally any beers that have a lot of complexity in ingredients. The bruery's anniversary ales would probably be a good example to age for several years. Excellent, complex brew. a little lite read http://www.craftbeer.com/craft-beer-muses/cellaring-craft-beer-to-age-or-not-to-age
  9. Amazing you could make it to 45minutes. I salute you for your courage & sacrifice in the face of unstoppable evil.
  10. American Horror Story Freakshow - Typical AHS feel. Fell asleep half-way through. Will continue to watch though. Lobster boy shocker scene. Best part: Opening title sequence was lovely as always.
  11. So it should be alright for a year or so? It'll definitely be ok for a year. Some minor modification of flavour to be expected. 2nded. Do not cellar high ABV DIPAs though. You lose the hop bitterness/flavor over extended cellaring. Tastes more like a strong ale. But, I've done it & sometimes enjoy the change in flavor profile. I've been cellaring Dark Lord, Imperial Biscotti Bourbon Break & The Bruery's Sucre for awhile. Definitely cracking all those soon.
  12. Saw these at the local zoo the other day. Fennec Foxes. Interestingly enough, they were part of a black market animal trade bust in a local suburb & brought to the zoo. If anyone is dabbling in illegal exoctic animal trade, I want one of these or a red panda.
  13. You kicked ass in Superbad. Also, congrats & you'll be able to sleep eventually. ezzactly correct!
  14. olo


    I don't think he gives a shit quite honestly, doubt it will have any impact on his music output eznzea imminent.
  15. olo


    2nded on headphones. It truly is a different beast. can i just say that on nunslaughter system it sounds best? everything does isnt nunslaughter a black metal band? did i say nunslaughter system? i meant anal birth system
  16. olo


    2nded on headphones. It truly is a different beast. can i just say that on nunslaughter system it sounds best? everything does isnt nunslaughter a black metal band?
  17. olo


    2nded on headphones. It truly is a different beast.
  18. very long exposure in a place with absolutely zero light pollution (the burren) the telescope is a 20 inch dobsonian reflector with an auto-guide servo. very very expensive bit of kit. here's another shot from the same night. the milky way was so visible it was fucking nuts. we also had this beautiful old girl out for the night, a 12 inch dob reflector which must be at least 25 years old. glorious
  19. olo


    Can we add a 'thou shalt not hype unnecessarily' to the rules? I feel it's implied anyway but still... hehe. Too bad he also mentioned that there's a chance it won't be a thing, whatever it is. A few emails the other day bolstered my resolve that this will most likely happen, so stay tuned! Still in the planning stages, so sorry I can't share anything at the moment. Hopefully I'll have something to say by Monday - who knows though.Imminent overload double fixed. also, cool jr
  20. [youtubehd]r1DrOwhL6a8[/youtubehd]
  21. olo


    Seems like this thread is losing steam. Time for Joyrex to open the curtains on his latest cryptic allusions.
  22. olo


    oh damn, Dave Noyze is awesome, looking forward to this this nugget was buried in there: http://noyzelab.blogspot.com.au/2013/04/afx-dsp-box-commission-2002.html pretty sweet.
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