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Everything posted by olo

  1. Didn't say anything to the TV. Was just thinking what a cold-blooded dick Lester was. The wife he always wanted, gives her up like nothing. Awesome episode though. The diner scene with Lou & Malvo was tense city. Hell the whole episode felt like tense city. A lot of great scenes. The opening 15 minutes was a beauty too.
  2. Dumb & Dumber to Lloyd has been playing the old "broken heart over girl/committed to mental hospital for 20 years" gag on Harry, Lloyd says fuck it, "Gotsa Harry", hilarity ensues & they're back to their old apartment where Harry got a cat named Butthole. He soon finds out he has a daughter from some chick he banged ages ago I guess & they set out on a roadtrip to find said daughter so Lloyd can bang her because she's hot.
  3. omg that looks...that's just...I guess I actually feel embarrassed for both of those guys. Completely unnecessary.
  4. Fargo. Loved last nights episode. Great beginning sequence. The episode as a whole was shot loverly. Some great scenes with Malvo last night. Lester is reaching a new level of cold-bloodedness. Can't wait to see how they wrap this one up next week.
  5. char-ac-ter /'karikter/ noun 1. Page 132 of Post Your Most Recent Picture (Part II) found @ forum.watmm.com/topic/76034-post-your-most-recent-picture-part-ii/page-132
  6. Hype is a killer. Another reason I try to watch tv shows in real time. Everyone I knew loved The Hangover. It was the ballsout funniest movie ever made man. When I got around to seeing it, I chuckled a bit. Funniest movie ever...sadly no. Really disappointed from all the...hype. Happens all the time when I sleep on something for too long & listen to too many peoples reviews. Music, movies, tv, whatevs sorry to any hangover fans on here. much love.
  7. sorry about your disappointment. Thought that was a pretty quality way to end a season. I wonder, never being a binge watcher, if I would feel the same about it? Watching week by week, you kinda forget things that happened months ago in a series & you have more "Oh Yea" moments. I guess depending on the show, binge watching would be great (lost, GoT), but for other shows, I would miss the build up week to week (BrBad/hannibal etc). Maybe due to the timeline that exists in the show. Breaking Bad is basically supposed to span a year right? If I binge watched, I'd be like no way that shit went down in a year & maybe lessen the appeal of the show...I don't know if I'm making any sense to myself. Think I'm in a paradoxical loop. fuck...
  8. Quite possibly. Molly would then have a dead husband in common with the ex-chiefs wife. They would then hook up probably.
  9. correct. There's a few loose ends. I found the time jump a little offsetting from what I expected the show was gonna be. Trial of bilbos brother, deaf hitman revenge, thought all that was gonna go down to the end of the series...everything just is now, except for the fate meeting of bilbo & malvo to spur on the rest of the story.
  10. What the fuck am I looking at? here you go For those that can't be bothered with links, they are horseshoe crabs, their blood is being extracted due to the fact that it contains a compound that causes liquid to form a stable gel in the presence of bacteria. It's very useful for the medical industry, but methinks no so much for the crabs in the long term. Horseshoe crab farming could be super idm.
  11. Probably a good call on the blackmail. From the previews, looks like Malvo is paying Gus & Molly a visit. Curious how they get that story arc outta vegas. Wondering how the fuck key & peele are involved in the coming 2 episodes. Had a chuckle when it jumps a year & their still in the filing room. Not sure if they had to completely turn Molly into Marge though. whatevs.
  12. Fargo - Last nights episode flipped the script & jumped into a year later mode. Kinda jarring, but tended to work well & see how characters in the show have adjusted to the previous events. Nice plot points about fate that tie in nicely to several scenes. Kinda of a slowburn episode. Interested to see how the final 2 episodes play out. Everything at this point in the show has been resolved as far as the main storylines go for the most part.
  13. Heard this on the radio the other day. Brang back fond memories. [youtubehd]RzpRU347BDU[/youtubehd]
  14. Something about the end of that fine film has always haunted me.
  15. I feel you on most every point you made, but I'm pretty down with this show anyway. That's America for you. Scared as fuck when it comes to sex on TV, but a dude emerging through a horses stomach, people being torn to pieces, all manner of throat slits & stabbings, A OK.
  16. Keep up the good fight. Ironing blows. If your daughter, or future daughter wants to join girlscouts, don't let her. Ironing their badges to their vest is torture.
  17. Yeah that's what i was thinking. Along with the idea that he probably wanted to get out of his travel shirt anyway. Which undermines the first thought, sorry. Man POWER!!! but the shirt is really samey . lol It actually suits him a lot more because the colours match his complexion and hair colour and it's a better shirt overall because the fabric appears less rough and uncouth (even though it looks like the same fabric), rather more smooth and stylin'. Perfect for drinkeez by the pool. It IS a sharp shirt. Looking sharp BCM boss. have a good vacation No chest pockets. You are ballin & rather smart. I hate fucking ironing shirt pockets that button. Friday is casual day at work. I wake up in the morning to put on my plaid short sleeve & ahhh fucking dammit. Shirt pockets all crinkled & folded up from the wash. *throws on same longsleeve,faded & shrunk cargo shirt I wore last week* enjoy the tequila sunrise.
  18. Trudge through season 1. Season 2 is far superior. For what they get away with on that show during season 2, I applaud NBC for sticking with it. Watched about 7 episodes yesterday of season 1. Not bad - a little formulaic, and some things really don't work (like the totem pole of dead people being lifted by one dude, or the fight between hannibal and the cellist) but I'll stick with it.. The formulaic nature, assclown forensic team, etc was why I was going to abandon the show. But, season 2 is much less so. Kinda starts that way, but morphs into something much better & tighter. You still have to suspend dis-belief at Hannibal's pure omnipotents & being pretty much an expert at everything. But, I guess he wouldn't be Hannibal Lechter if not so. Also, I didn't know that David Slade (director of said season finale, and also of season 2 finale) directed the video for Donkey Rhubarb. So really, Hannibal has a direct connection to this site :) He did a helluva job with the season 2 finale.
  19. Trudge through season 1. Season 2 is far superior. For what they get away with on that show during season 2, I applaud NBC for sticking with it. Watched about 7 episodes yesterday of season 1. Not bad - a little formulaic, and some things really don't work (like the totem pole of dead people being lifted by one dude, or the fight between hannibal and the cellist) but I'll stick with it.. The formulaic nature, assclown forensic team, etc was why I was going to abandon the show. But, season 2 is much less so. Kinda starts that way, but morphs into something much better & tighter. You still have to suspend dis-belief at Hannibal's pure omnipotents & being pretty much an expert at everything. But, I guess he wouldn't be Hannibal Lechter if not so.
  20. A detroit classic [youtubehd]jdjEqP6mhV4[/youtubehd]
  21. You dont want to swallow a whole duck egg fermented in whatever the fuck?
  22. Loved the opening sequence where the faces merge & Will's has got this weird droop in his face like a stroke victim. The little touches are appreciated. Yeah, that was excellent. Also enjoyed how the nightmare logic sequences don't even lampshade themselves as nightmares anymore. Stuff like that doesn't even seem to be an option in network tv production these days. Wouldn't be surprised if NBC meddles in Season 3 to bring in ratings and ruins the show, but I am somehow optimistic for at least a few moments of full-on Lynchian surrealism in Season 3. I probably shouldn't be. But I am. Maybe when this is inevitably cancelled next year, something like AMC will pick up the pieces and soldier on. Nightmare logic? not following. Any example to refer to? For example, the tears that are clear but somehow turn bloody when they hit the table; the drowning in dark inky water sequence with no "oh shit what a dream I just had" narrative bookend, really all of the subjective symbolic imagery (antlers, etc) that intrudes on what would typically be a linear police procedural narrative, without actually needing to be framed by the narrative in a traditional way (eg character would gaze at something, visibly lost in thought before surreal imagery fills the screen; huge unnatural color filter would cover everything to let the viewer know we're in "dream" territory; surrealism is explained by character waking up alarmed). Basically the show is ok with occasionally letting the surrealism blend in with the straight narrative in a way that network tv doesn't usually trust the reader to follow. The way it's all edited and paced is close to Lynch territory, although the narrative itself doesn't quite bend to that dream logic the way Lynch does in, say, Inland Empire. (I may be off, but I get the sense that Fuller is holding back a little bit to maintain narrative coherence, but that maybe he doesn't quite always want to-- see, Fuller's quote: ) Gotsa, I figured that was what you were referring to, just wanted to make sure. The whole Alana sequence in the finale blurred the lines in that way. Editing of the show in the past, they added that lame windshield wiper effect, which they've moved away from. They're making the assumption most of John Q public can decipher which is which, (but it's fine if you're not sure, adds to the viewing experience) hopefully they continue on that road. I just don't get why this non-linear story telling is such a turn off to people. The dream/nightmares are such visual eye-candy. Love that wendigo/stag/man-stag shit. And really, the sound design deserves some kudos too.
  23. Loved the opening sequence where the faces merge & Will's has got this weird droop in his face like a stroke victim. The little touches are appreciated. Yeah, that was excellent. Also enjoyed how the nightmare logic sequences don't even lampshade themselves as nightmares anymore. Stuff like that doesn't even seem to be an option in network tv production these days. Wouldn't be surprised if NBC meddles in Season 3 to bring in ratings and ruins the show, but I am somehow optimistic for at least a few moments of full-on Lynchian surrealism in Season 3. I probably shouldn't be. But I am. Maybe when this is inevitably cancelled next year, something like AMC will pick up the pieces and soldier on. Nightmare logic? not following. Any example to refer to? Singer said that he had other options if NBC doesn't pick it up. Seems like a show that would be good on F/X. AMC's too wrapped up banging out Walking Dead spin offs. I've noticed more people warming up to the show & it might experience a nice boost come next season. Curious as to where they go with it from here. I really enjoyed the dynamic of Will & Hannibal playing one another. The cat & mouse of it all, and their strange kinship. Seeing next season as more of a chase set-up.
  24. Trudge through season 1. Season 2 is far superior. For what they get away with on that show during season 2, I applaud NBC for sticking with it.
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