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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. Seen from the outside, the fearless path is the most frightening.
  2. Next level shit is still possible: [youtubehd]qnL40CbuodU[/youtubehd]
  3. Dude you shit in a Target. TWICE. How am I supposed to believe you? Nah I'm just messing with you. Admitting that may actually lend to your credibility if anything. So basically what you're saying is that the dinosaurs never even went extinct. And that the .0001% of the dinosaur population that constituted the Bilderberg group saw that the dinosaur population had passed the profit-making threshold and would result in quarterly losses so they just bunkered down and blasted the Yucatan with a diverted asteroid to make shit look like a natural disaster. But before they did that they took some critters down with them, one of which endured countless generations of artificial selection which resulted in the ultimate pet. The human being. They appeared before us as Jesus (or ninjas) to earn our trust and reinforce certain behaviors, and they've divided us such that it makes it difficult for us to recognize what's going on and interfere with their business venture. That's basically what you're saying right? First, I shat and pissed my pants at a K Mart. Second, either you're reading way too far into what I wrote, or you're reading just deep enough to stay off the radar. Either way, just note that I do believe the previous human-esque peoples were smart enough to make their technology biodegradable, so there is very little left of their civilizations. Considering we cannot even make the Great Pyramids now- what with all our dank meme and fake tits technology- there is really a lot to be learnt by studying nature, and it would be wisest for our actions to follow the natural flow of nature. And I dunno if I care one way or another about human "pets", but if that is the case, look at how it is for our "pets"-- usually, pets are loved, cared for, and live a great life compared to having to do nightly battle in the jungle or whatever. If we are pets, it partially explains why we all have the privilege of chatting on the internet, instead of working 18 hour shifts in the feces fields.
  4. as that's the only way it can be done, we should assume that he did. *photoshops jesus' face onto the lizard gif* Ninjas did it with flat shoes (but also running). There's this school of thought that believes that Jesus was buried in Japan, so maybe he was actually a ninja, who was NOT a lizard. what, where does it say Jesus was buried in Japan? how would he have even got there? did he fly? ah i get it now, this is completely feasible and i don't see how anyone could possibly refute it. Jesus was a Japanese ninja lizard. If Jesus really was a Japanese ninja lizard, that'd be some Jesus-level IDM shit (self-explanatory, really).
  5. AdieuErsatzEnnui All right- I've taken all stuff listed, and I dunno if any of that would help for an out of the blue trip (but they help in the long run for general well being, as well as St. John's Wort, and all other related stuffs...). I know grapefruit juice can make certain drugs fucking hardcore, but besides benzos, I dunno of anything that is acute, direct, and immediate for calming during trips (for me I've only done "good mindset and environment"). Maybe weed to take away anxiety? Again, I've never mixed psychedelics. Off topic, but something you might know-- you ever smoke or make teas from calea zacatechichi? Or maybe it was valerian. I had bags of both at the time, so.... Yah, think it was valerian. Anyway, I was making a super concentrated extract, and boiling it made the whole house smell like shit. Like actual feces. Good times. All this shaman-esque stuff reminds me of tripping on morning glory seeds or Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds. Just remembering those trips still brings up a bit of nausea... I didn't do any extractions or "cleaning"- just straight up ate the seeds (HBWR I cut to pieces with a wire cutter). Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds are basically like an acid trip but waaaaay more dirty. Besides the dirty/grungy/heavy feeling, quite good. And yes, it can go DEEP. Like shooms- nature has got our backs, if we're willing to open up to it all. Amazing that shit exists. EDIT: FUCK, I'm getting that "paper piece stuck in throat" feeling after writing that... What in the fuck..... Dude, the LSA shit got the most powerful nausea memories ever, man, what in the fuck...
  6. Wicca 101? p.s. Beautiful shots overall... Looks like someplace I'd love to chill.
  7. Yup, this is legit stuff that exists, yo. I'm all about vibez, because that is the truest that is gets. The written word can be good for communication, but modern society has brought written word to the level of god-word. Because of this, man-made laws- using the "god-word"- are seen as infallible truths, and much violence has been used to uphold the written word; right or wrong is irrelevant, upholding the "truth of the word" is more important than life itself. Of course, this has been used to spread lies (using a lie to spread lies), etc., and people are trained so well to not feel- to not pick up on vibez- that they believe something simply by being uttered or written. Anyway about the direct communication... One training method to experience pure vibez more, is so simply sit and perceive. If done long enough, one can get past descriptive voices, and getting even further, one can get to pure impulse. Then, one has to release all expectation. Expectation has a way of skewing what's right in front of us, so the only way to experience pure vibez is to rid oneself of expectation. If you get good at this, you can basically perceive your whole day before it even unfolds, because all the impulsive precursors to the actions of yourself and others that will craft your day, are already flowing through the ether. All psychic phenomenon is based on such principles, and if you practice for years, you'll get more into the multi-dimensional aspect of this world, simultaneously occurring dimensions, etc.
  8. as that's the only way it can be done, we should assume that he did. *photoshops jesus' face onto the lizard gif* Ninjas did it with flat shoes (but also running). There's this school of thought that believes that Jesus was buried in Japan, so maybe he was actually a ninja, who was NOT a lizard. Hail Sagan - Saying reptilian alien dudes are cool is not even funny. They're responsible for all the hardcore/violent/traumatic alien abductions, because they're assholes. Straight up assholes with no respect.
  9. Yah, I also saw it in the cinema when everyone still thought that shit was actual found footage. On the drive back to dorms, we were all freaking out and shit. It was hilarious. To me, the film is a masterpiece. Just because billions of "found footage" films have been released since, it doesn't take away the magic of "the original". Plus, I haven't watched the other garbage, so I'm safe (though Cloverfield was aiiight).
  10. There are much safer and more effective herbal/supplemental options available that won't risk you losing touch with reality and blacking out. Yeah, but like... What iiiis reality, myaaaAAaaaaAaan..... (also, it'd be cool if you could suggest the alternatives for the thread-- you mean like, camomile tea? viagra?)
  11. ...Isn't....... Isn't WATMM already its own channel? *IDM Man confirmed*
  12. Is your computer monitor the side of a building in Times Square, wtf is that resolution... What're you- from the future? What is this forum- We Are The 16K Monitor Makers? What am I- in the Renaissance looking through a Wizard's portal into a unicorn's VR helmet? Who are you- Mr. Monitor Fancy Pants? What're you- SEGA doing what Nintendon't?
  13. For training wheels on psychedelics, one can use them with xanax/clonazepam/etc. Takes away fear and anxiety. I've never done it, but have confirmation from close cosmonaut. Edit: well, psychedelics with training wheels... Doing training wheels on psychedelics is already too trippy,
  14. Ahaha... Just realized that now you've permanently changed my ears on the Hendrix track.
  15. Finally got around to watching Venture Bros. season 6 episode 1... Man, such a dense wooooorld... Fucking genius series. Love it.
  16. For shrooms, I've always eaten them on an empty stomach. For the strongest experience, I recommend fasting.
  17. Yah, man. You know what's good about having your body composition consisting mostly of tungsten? -When I be IDM'ing so hot, I ain't gon' melt, yo. ...I ain't gon' melt.
  18. He's been slowly injecting them with tungsten for the last few months This, is true. can i inject my tungsten into your hips? I dunno.... CAN YOU?! Tungsten? Barely knew sten! All right... Which coat is yours?:
  19. He's been slowly injecting them with tungsten for the last few months This, is true. can i inject my tungsten into your hips? I dunno.... CAN YOU?!
  20. He's been slowly injecting them with tungsten for the last few months This, is true.
  21. yeah, like if you went to a #BlackLivesMatter and killed a black person oooooooooh you got trolled, son I like to go to pro-abortion demonstrations and give birth to children. I think you'd make a great mother, Peace (and you've certainly got the hips for it) Thanks, man. That means a lot to my hips.
  22. yeah, like if you went to a #BlackLivesMatter and killed a black person oooooooooh you got trolled, son I like to go to pro-abortion demonstrations and give birth to children.
  23. The only time I've done low dosage shrooms was when I found some in a baggie on the street. It was just like... "shifting, shifting, shifting... nope, gone."
  24. Shit, if I ordered a salad and there was a severed dog's head in it, I'd be pretty pissed.
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