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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. Hey man, of course there are worldly Americans, I'm not talking about them. Look, I live in the deep south, where MOST people think that immigrants are this massive issue plaguing society. The reason I use the word 'worldly' is because if these people who believe this could spend a single day with a family of people who immigrated over here they would see they are PEOPLE trying to get by and provide for their family doing whatever they can. There is a reason Trump became president, where he GOT AWAY with suggesting major swathes of people are rapists. This reflects very REAL irrational fears in real people (most of my "unworldly" family). Hell I don't consider myself worldly and I don't understand this fear tho I have it verbalized to me quite often in some fashion. That's what I mean by propaganda. They don't view immigrants as people, they are this dangerous statistic that will take your jobs and your families livelihood and by the way vote republican because that means we can hide the immigrants behind a wall. I didn't want to use the word 'xenophobic' but there you go. This is EXACTLY true. That's what I mean by 'worldly' in my other post. All it would take is a small amount of seeing a different system to see how much better it is in some other places. Instead in America, you are born into this system and are TOLD how amazing it is and how America is number 1 when it simply isn't true. I've had a health issue where I've been confined to my room for the past 2 years and there is literally no option for me to fix the issue here without becoming a debt slave. I either need a wealthy family who can spare 100k or need a very good job. Thankfully I just landed a good job that should help fix this issue over the next few years There are worse places than America sure, but it's not the point I'm trying to make.
  2. It looks like the sticks are controlling his hands.
  3. Come to think of it collapsing the wrong way is basically what my knee did. Maybe that's what I have against foot work. Imagine your leg doing an 'L' shape in the wrong direction. Yup. I fainted though at the time. Though that whole comment about footwork was meant to come off as over the top sarcastic and jokey. That's my weird sense of humor. Like I don't give a crap about footwork or not footwork. So it's funny to me when someone does. It is a shitpost not meant to mean anything. Eh I shouldn't have written it if I have to explain it. I keep posting stuff I think people will get when there's not enough information there to get something. I am really bad about that. Oh well... so much dopamine in my brain right now guys for the past 3 hours. Not looking forward to the come down and reading my dumb posts again. lol. No one is here right now so I can't VENT my relief anywhere else so I apologize for this topic my temporary uh... thingy.
  4. :) thanks bulk. The insecurity I felt nearly the whole time going for my degree (last semester) for the past several years just dissipated. No more of that constantly wondering if the degree will pay off or not. I'm surprised how good it feel for the continuous nagging in the back of my mind "you are wasting years of your life" is just gone. I haven't been able to walk for more than a minute for the better part of 2 years either due to, er... health issues, and now I'll be able to have more than enough money for treatment. Think $100,000 or so in cash for a knee replacement and some other surgeries (well more or less, need to both drain and fix a leg with edema issues due to major injury, fluids been built up for 2 years now, your leg just doesn't quickly 'fix itself' after the underlying issue is fixed) I've basically been confined to a room for a year now and finishing up my degree. So there's more here than just 'getting a good job'. Just this massive, humongous wave of relief. I know I'm sharing too much personal info, but I just don't care right now. I haven't felt this good in several years. OF course I probably have another few months of this being stuck in a room shit but Just seeing the end of the tunnel is phenomenal. Don't take feeling... decent.. or basic functions like walking for granted. Ok I'm done. I'm gonna look at this post later and cringe AF.
  5. Please don't, I'm enjoying myself, somewhat at my expense but... *shrug* I'm in a good mood, I just got hired somewhere I've been aiming for. I just feel good.
  6. I meant seeded. It'll be seated in the future. I was trying to use colorful language and word play with the term. One day I'll admit the seed is there and it will sit comfortably in my consciousness and hell I'll probably sleep better at night.
  7. I shouldn't have used the world esoteric. I just meant rare or often overlooked. 32614 is an excellent track. I'm digging Ikutaro as well. Though admittedly I love his more adventurous tracks more than the dance floor ones. Though they're all worth listening to 50 times minimum.
  8. Yeah I know.... It's all my fault. My deep seeded insecurity caused the thread to implode. On an unrelated note I dig your music BCM. I used to play your music out on occasion during the "come down" part of the set :). Er I haven't DJed in quite a while.
  9. If that track ject posted is anything I imagine he'll be making more of such tracks!
  10. I know Louie CK is in a bit of trouble right now but he hit's the nail on the head with this one: btw, particularly 1:30 about the '2 guys'
  11. I suspect a bit of a US-bias in the way you say . Because, who says you have to spend shitloads to keep status quo? Which status quo? Why spend shitloads? And keeping status quo is done with military force? Why military force? You're from the US, right? Spend a couple of years and Europe and you'll understand we see things differently. From the US it might look like Europe is leaning on the US to use military force. From Europe it looks like the US is creating more problems with their use of military force. Europe tries to settle things through diplomacy and politics. (US as well, btw. At least, in the good old days) And diplomacy and politics is a lot less media-sexy than violence perhaps, but hey, being boring can be a good asset! You'll not see Europe violently enforcing some kind of status quo even if the US dropped their entire military force overnight. Not going to happen, as military force is simply not seen as something necessary to keep status quo. I'm trying to think of some kind of status quo Europe would be fighting for and can't really think of one. World peace perhaps? Or do you expect an invasion of the UK because the EU likes to keep the status quo? Yes, as someone who lives in the US I'd say we're pretty er...opposite of worldly. It makes sense considering where we live. (we are really the one's 'across the pond'. People generally don't know what's going on in the world which makes it EASY AF for propaganda of kinds to fill in the gaps. In general we don't know what is going on politically if it isn't from the perspective of the US and I'll admit I am one of these people to an extent. For instance I hear from friends and acquaintances outside the US how it's viewed as a threat to world stability, and honestly I just can't see it, though it seems like it might be true due to the frequency of the belief. I know the US doesn't like to listen to the UN for instance, and surely something must be wrong when the budget for our military is like 8x larger than the second highest military budget. (no wonder we don't have a decent healthcare/military) Eh sorry I'm just ranting. I don't know WTF is going on here. Seems like a lot of misplaced morals and values.
  12. Man I love footwork, Collapse EP is basically footwork and Aphex Incarnate. You can tell the whole EP is kind of his take on footwork. Makes me sad that we're about to hit page 145. It would have been poetic to end on 144. This page as had it's ups and downs, it's villains and heroes, but let's see where the story of this thread goes during 145. I am kidding
  13. Dude there are 5 N’s in Bennnnn Oh no no aphex twin IS indeed one of Bennnn Jordan's aliases, but Bennnnn Jordan is one of AFX's Aliases, er.. afx not aphex twin. Common mistake. And it's worth mentioning that Polygon Window is a colab effort between afx and Bennnn Jordan. OH and afx is NOT AFX... common mistake. Also AFX is both Heorge Garrison AND Jennnn Bordan. That should clear up any misunderstandings.
  14. It reminds me of those bumpin snes/genesis tracks. Oh I didn't even think to follow him on fb. Come to think of it it's pretty obvious.
  15. I imagine for most WATMMers he needs no introduction. The guy is ridiculously talented to a fault. I don't think I've ever found an artist who I consistently like as much as him. Post any music by him you dig! Though I am personally looking for kind of rare tracks I haven't heard yet. Two of my favorites from more recently though I imagine most people have already heard these: And some older stuff:
  16. I'm kidding.. for all intents and purposes I wish for it to continue. Been apart of conversations for the past 30 odd pages.
  17. Welcome to page 1st44.. er 144. WE MADE IT GUYS WE CAN STOP BUMPING THIS TOPIC NOW and stop having silly conversations.
  18. I've seen Kanye say somewhere that he's running in 2020, more than once. Not sure if I'm right and not sure why he would.
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