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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. Somehow I feel like he doesn't feel much pressure, if any. Maybe he used to, but somehow I doubt it now. This is going off of the SC comments, recent interviews VS older interviews.
  2. I remember when that cheetah pissed on him. Good times. Hey, as long as he's enjoying it, it's consent!
  3. Wow, if he released those already, I'm definitely looking forward to the ones he didn't release!
  4. He's going to become the first person to make a million off of midi tracks. Er, General Midi that is. who cares about that Ricardo guy.
  5. oh really? I'll take your word for it that bill hicks is still alive. If I find out otherwise that's one more strike against ye! The female race will prevail, male.
  6. 17. I think if I were younger I'd score much higher on the test. There was a time where I had trouble telling if someone was bored of me talking, where I talked over people, where I basically couldn't tell the intent of other people. But that sounds like being a kid anyway. Now I'm very receptive to that shit, I can tell right away. You've scored too low for WATMM. GET OUT... while I count the number of posts over and over...over and over.
  7. Haha, nice. I've never used the actual sounds from midi myself. Goes to show that a solid melody sounds good no matter what (within reasonable bounds), even with midi.
  8. Hey Danny, I definitely get what you mean. I even tried to just use it as a messenger. I felt like that too for like two years, but as time went on the time wasted became more important to me than the simplized relationships I was getting from FB. Trust me, it's less of a deal than it seems. Your personal life will only get better and your free time freer once THE FACEBOOK IS DESTROYED. Another thing I noticed about FB, was that when you met these people in real life that you've previously talked through on FB, especially through status updates, what happened on Facebook was as if it never happened. It's kind of like Facebook doesn't actually exist. It's kinda weird. Nothing that happens there is of any substance. It's hard to expand friendships or even maintain them there. Which leads me to believe it's just a waste of time.
  9. I may be biased, but every sociopath I know on FB is an attention magnet (not every sociopath cares for attention, but the ones on FB are obvious if I know about them well enough). I judge them to be sociopaths for their past actions on other people. Not really me, I avoid those types of people as their reputation precedes them. If I look up a person who I thought had a few screws loose in a sociopathic sense, they across the board have tons of friends. Though they might just be selfish and narcissistic. I should also mention I only know a handful of people with over 1k friends. They're all "off". Their facebook posts are often about how someone else did something wrong, or are obvious attention grabbers. Most of them friended me at one point and I barely know any of them. So I don't see the reason why they friended me. Ech. To them I am only plus one to their friend count, which is the main reason I'm against accepting the friend request. I know potentially 1 genuine person with about 4000 friends (not Grant), who's genuine personality is the magnet as you say, and who doesn't get her kicks out of what other people's issues are, or use them. ONE PERSON :\. I will say that my sample size is small, so maybe I am an exception and you are right. The language I'm using to describe these things is a bit colorful I think, but I don't have any way else to describe what I'm seeing. There's usually a reason someone wants so many friends, maybe they're big at work as you said. But really how many people are going to know thousands of people from work? I think it would be obvious from their job description. Grant knows 'thousands' of people through work for instance. That is very much an exception. I actually meant that people who were interesting IRL suddenly became boring on FB, hence the "FB brings out the boring in people" ! I'm trying to say that I'm no exception to this! I did that myself for a while. When I first got a FB like in 2009 or 2010, I liked posting what I at the time thought was insightful stuff or an observation I had. Got like 0-3 likes. The most likes I ever got for anything was the stupid one liner. That crap can generate dozens of likes! I started ONLY posting the kinda stupid easy thoughts I had, then after a while that became boring and I stopped posting all together. btw, neither pretending to have a perfect life or posting about going to the gym for the 80th time is really acceptable. It's alright if you're talking about starting to go to the gym, or your 1 year gym anniversary, or something. I tend to think that almost everyone lives boring lives, including me! But then they always think they need to post every day or 2 about them when nothing particularly interesting happened. Maybe something abnormal or interesting enough to post about happens every few weeks at most. If we only got those updates, then FB would be a pretty cool place. But it's not. Everyone goes to work everyday because that's how life is. man, my posts don't look nearly as long when I'm writing them, then post and it's like: 'my life is boring'.
  10. I honestly don't remember what google+ is like. I remember thinking "FUCK I already have a Facebook, everyone's already here! I already waste enough time making needlessly long posts on forums, so fuk it." I do remember thinking that circles thing was cool. That's the only thing I remember. What REALLY got me is how other people were okay with this, and people were content with the interactions on FB taking the place of real interaction. I think that's the main reason. When I tell my friends this, who I love dearly, they just kinda shrug. I am not that content on letting people go from the recent past. I'm always sad to see relationships end. It's always natural though. The crayons thing is a bit of an extreme example though. Heh.
  11. I remember a few years ago a couple of my friends straight up quit FB when google+ was released because they thought it was going to be the next big thing.
  12. Hey Chim, welcome back to the social media website that is WATMM :) You're right, that social media is not intrinsically something that can you can get sucked into. But, as facebook for example, it's become just that. My dad uses FB to keep up with old friends. He does that, but all you have to do is look at his old friends. They friended him sure, but their boring is showing in their own status updates. Like Boring minutia on their kids. "My son's first poop 5/30/2015", for example. 20-80 likes for some reason, depending if they've friended 150 or 800 people. They update their status once a day with something that should only be interesting to them. "I'm going to work!" I see that one a LOT on my FB. REALLY?! KEWLZIES! THX 4 SHARING :) I also feel like a pre-judgement of a person on social media isn't far off if they have tons of 'friends' I mean, when you see someone with 2.5k friends.... you know there's a problem. If they're not friending fans or something, like Mr. Grant of Rephlex does, then something else is going on. EVERY person with 1k+ friends I know has acceptance issues. They're the type that could never be alone longer than 5 minutes. They could never work on music, for example. Too alone.
  13. As with many peplz''' stories, I "got rid of mine" half a year ago. I still have one for my music, but I don't browse on it anymore, I just post new stoff on it. As with many people I grew tired of it. I realized it was wasting 30 mins-1 hour every day. I could use those breaks for better things instead of things that didn't matter and would be irrelevant the next day. I did become a little more cynical about people. People who I thought were smart or w/e, posting about yawn inducing things. The last year on it I never posted as I couldn't think of anything to post about that would be interesting, while also being within what's acceptable on the website. It really, honestly brings out the boring in people, no one, and I mean NO ONE can escape it. I also got tired of having these mini-talks with friends and having the feeling that "I've seen them recently". I saw people less as a result. Now when I hang out with them, it's notably better. So, win-win-win in my book. So yeah, facebook is a waste of time.
  14. He's an adult, he can make up his own mind as to whether or not he wants to master it. Just because I want it, if he doesn't care to, then big deal.
  15. I'd like to hear some of my favs remastered, which is the main reason I like the idea of some kind of release. This is of course after he's done uploading. I imagine he will say when he's done seeing as he's been so verbal about his plans recently.
  16. sounds like he's trying to learn how to play radiohead's everything in it's right place but not quite getting it right. obviously richard is a hardcore radiohead fan, harnessing his inner thom yorke on this one ^-^ !!! Something's not in the right place with your statement! teehee.
  17. I'm bangin' both cheetahs :) I'm wondering if we'll get Cheetah13 on Syro 2.
  18. If sports is dull, then still shots of sports is even duller
  19. Found the sister video I'm pretty sure that video was made by someone from watmm to demonstrate how easy it was to make it look like he it was Richard playing separate tracks of the song, mainly because of the scepticism towards the authenticity of that original video (parody being the obvious 'shoe-shot'). Heh, and they failed. The real video sounds like a stem, and the fake one is just the actual track lowered in volume. And regarding that little link in his description... oh boy. I mean, I can see it now. Interviewer in 10 years: So why did you quit releasing music on 5/1/2015? Aphex: Some guy thought I was crazy for posting about UFO conspiracies so I took it all down and said fuck it and fuck them. My advice would be to not bring it up at all. Either way it'll only cause argument and possibly less music.
  20. Hey encym, as always interesting textures. My comment from a year ago still stands. I'd like to see what what a more lively beat-oriented encym sounds like. ;)
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