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Posts posted by brume

  1. I worry about 1 thread/person because it'll inevitably narrow things. it's unavoidable that i and others will simply stop checking threads of users we haven't found too exciting. that's not good developing and learning i think.


    Well, even with song-theads you wouldn't check either I guess. You can have interesting discussions in a single-thread too, and it would help making the subforum clearer i think.


    About "minimal feedback", well that's a problem, because most of the time on forums and social networks ppl just post these kind of comments in order to have more "friends" and "plays", lame really... Curiosity and open-mindedness: we all have to force ourselves to stay out of our confort zone I guess.



    then again, that kind of minimal feedback can warm the heart of the OP.

    now that i think about it, i agree. Technical feedback may be useful for noobs, but most of us are on the same level - I might be better at x, you at y, but we're all just internet randos doing our thing. I've never gotten a truly shocking response from internet critique, because I already know what I like & dislike about my music.




    Yup I second that. But as far as i'm concerned i don't release tracks in order to receive feedback or appreciation, but simply because I think my works can bring a bit of joy in the listener's mind. i take a lot of pleasure making music, if some ppl do so listening to it then it's fine for me.

  2. Thought: I prefer when people create a new topic for each track as opposed to one topic for all of their tracks, because then each topic is about one piece in particular..

    Hello everyone, newcomer online. I'm a long (long...) time music maker, been following WATMM for a couple years now, just signed in a few days ago. :-) I think it would be more convenient, at least for me, to have only one thread to present all my new tracks, instead of creating a new thread each time I have a new track to present. What do you guys think? Is that a problem What is the rule down there?

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