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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Braintree

  1. The trick to avoiding all video conferencing gaffes is to be completely paranoid and think they can see you at all times anyway.
  2. She's a fucking idiot, too, so I guess it runs in the family. She has a voice for showtunes, not opera.
  3. Sounds awesome. I only had AM/FM radio and no air conditioner.
  4. Here's a beater to avoid. This was my first car and I fucking hated it.
  5. I'm not sure why you used that chart since it supports our argument that Black Americans are killed at a higher rate than other groups. It says just that in the article you linked. The policing problem is intersectional with poverty. The poverty to prison pipeline is very real: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/es_20180314_looneyincarceration_final.pdf Black Americans are killed by police at a higher rate, incarcerated at a higher rate, and arrested at a higher rate, even when they haven't committed any crimes. Even the NY Post (which would work better as kindling than a newspaper) reported that: https://nypost.com/2020/06/11/black-people-arrested-five-times-more-than-white-in-2018-report/ There are plenty of broken window policies/policing that have been doing this for decades. Nixon's war on drugs, Biden's 90s crime bill, etc. Even one of Nixon's former advisors, John Ehrlichman said this: So this isn't just a few bad apples. There is a decades long pattern that shows that the entire system is skewed.
  6. Yeah that's a problem that's been around since the newspaper was invented. You have the internet now. You can source what's probably true or not by looking at a lot of different sources. This is another right-wing talking about. You're doing a "not all cops" thing, which isn't our point. Our point is that the system of policing causes a lot of harm and should be addressed. Statistically, this harms African Americans more than any other group. Also, look up real data rather than relying on anecdotal evidence.
  7. It is a much larger factor than you have considered. Have a look at how bad the white supremacist problem is in police departments. https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/537611-white-supremacy-and-american-policing Also these: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/27/white-supremacists-militias-infiltrate-us-police-report https://www.vox.com/2021/1/16/22233514/capitol-riot-rally-police-white-supremacy The shitty policing problem isn't a media problem. That's a right-wing talking point that distracts from the purpose of holding police accountable.
  8. It's actually very debatable as to what causes addiction in the first place. A lot of psychologists and clinicians often say that it's the environment that facilitates the desire and delivery of the drug rather than strictly the drug. It's tangential evidence, but I've known a few people that smoked meth semi-regularly that never got addicted to it. And yeah, I think drugs in general should be decriminalized, but as to the legality of methamphetamines, they're not 100% illegal in the United States already (they are in Canada): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_status_of_methamphetamine Making it illegal doesn't exactly make it go away. When it comes to drugs, the subject is highly intersectional.
  9. A substantial amount of people relapsing is because of criminalization itself. It will definitely take a long time, but using Portugal as an example, it can show positive effects fairly quickly (obviously, the North American population is much larger than Portugal). It just takes a serious investment from the government in public health care, poverty, and education.
  10. Many clinicians would say that you should admit them for health reasons and treat the underlying problems that cause addiction.
  11. Derek Chauvin guilty of murder in George Floyd's death https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/derek-chauvin-verdict-reached-trial-over-george-floyd-s-death-n1264565 Get fucked, Derek.
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