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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by diatoms

  1. 34 minutes ago, cboyardeat said:

    Yep. Imagine being able to fuck about on a modular setup for a few days and then flog it on cassette and make a mint.. alright for some. Bet Richard is laughing


                                                                                      i don't understand

    • Like 1
  2. On 6/14/2021 at 6:32 PM, d-a-m-o said:



    11 hours ago, Zephyr_Nova said:



                                                        ok i loved these two docs, didn't know anything about osamu tezuka or seen nightmare on elm st.


    • Like 1
  3. On 6/17/2021 at 12:52 PM, yekker said:

    I went on to some guy's tik tok live and he was eating cereal. I say, "captain crunch?".

    He actually was eating captain crunch and he showed me the box.

    He asked how I knew and I told him I heard the crunch.

    Funniest shit ever. Lmao.


    On 3/23/2017 at 4:27 AM, diatoms said:

                                                                                     Captain Crunch


                                                                                                    CAP'N CRUNCH


                                                                                                           no cap




  4. 7 hours ago, Hugh Mughnus said:

    Yamaha gx-1… grabbed it at an estate sale in Ontario for $4500, apparently owned by Queen? Sold it for $8000 thinking it was a steal at the time. This was in 2013 before I knew better. Buyer was setup as a trust so not sure who the actual person was that got it ?



  5. 24 minutes ago, dingformung said:

    As this is all a simulation it shouldn't matter but it's a poorly designed simulation, so these things have consequences (who came up with this shit? Give me a name!)


  6. 6 minutes ago, xox said:
    23 minutes ago, diatoms said:

                                  is the VW connected or do the letters have a space between them on the logo?

    Extremely good question!
    Well…it’s actually dubious! ? ; no one knows fo sho


  7. 2 hours ago, Shimon_Shimon said:



    1 minute ago, chenGOD said:

    Too obvious?




    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  8. 4 hours ago, iococoi said:



    “constitutional carry”


    Texans can carry handguns without a license or training starting Sept. 1, after Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday signed the permitless carry bill into law.


                                  it should be the "Leave your guns at home, Bill"

                                                    not this free for all


    • Like 1
    • Big Brain 1
  9. 1 hour ago, xox said:

    another VW

                                  is the VW connected or do the letters have a space between them on the logo?

  10. 19 minutes ago, Wunderbar said:

    Not if anything green is going to get cut down. But who needs real life destinations when u can just vr up and go everywhere that way. Every 3d printed house is just going to come with 1 chair in the middle of the room with one power socket to plug your vr in, and we are all going to sit there living our best life fucking some virtual model.

    I feel like someone should write a book about that future titled 2084.

                                                                 READY PLAYER ONE  -  Ernest Cline


    1 hour ago, xox said:

    Do you like your music so much that you listen to it regularly, and you like it so much that it’s on your own top-something list of all time?

                                                isn't there an interview where rdj says he enjoys listening to his own music the most

                                                                           i'm working on that as we speak

                                                               if my music raves me over and over

                                                                               then its time to find a label to release

                                                                  yes i do listen to my one song over and over and its one of my favorites besides aphex

                                                                      i don't think a label would touch this though:)

    • Burger 1
  12. On 6/15/2021 at 11:27 AM, iococoi said:


    Amazon.com: Marvel Team-Up #96 Featuring Spider-man and Howard the Duck  August 1980: Alan Kupperberg, Alan Kupperberg: Books


    The Cosmos: countless worlds upon worlds, worlds without end.  In these galaxies, every possible reality exists, and what is reality on any one world is mere fantasy on all others.  Here, all is real and all is illusion.  What is, what was, and what will be start here with the words "In the beginning, there was HOWARD THE DUCK!"





    • Like 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, KovalainenFanBoy said:

    that's good and all dingdong but I would say the real problem here is not remembering how the Union Jack is supposed to look like

                                                                                   symmetrical of course but i think you know that deep down:)


  14. 1 minute ago, Consul said:

    Either that or the high quality rips from the casette deck that he had built for himself that he was teasing about would be cool for this year.

                                                           i actually stopped listening to the soundclurd dump because of him mentioning this

                                                                          was gonna get blown away again like 2015 but in hq

                                                                                think i'll go back now though, too many memories and fun times

                                                                 we buried my dad on january 28, 2015

                                                                                rdj releasing and continually releasing new tunes right then and throughout the year into the next

                                                                                                  helped me get through the loss of my dad

                                                                           which i'm tearing up over right now

                                                                                       can't thank you enough aphex:)

                               at least the ones i thought were grandest, i voted for (http://user18081971.watmm.com/vote/tracks/top30/) and they were released

                                                                                            Pretend Analog Extmix 2B,e2,ru                                                      

                                                                                        Spiral Staircase (AFX Remix)

                                                                                                  28 organ 1.1 [ru,ec,+9]    (wish it still had the alien babble part)

                                                                                     with my family [48k] *

                                                                                                          no cares [48k ] *

                                                                                                   consciousness utopia


                                                                                        sekonda e,+2

                                                                                                   efil pearls ,e,+4

                                                                                                                winding road ,e,+4.1

                                                                                                        clissold 101[dat28 otari] 48k *

                                                                                                 T08 dx1+5

                                                                                                                                 T13 Quadraverbia N+3

                                                                                                                         except this from circklon demo

                                                                                                          4x Atlantis take1    glad he released this beatless 4am rave monster


                                                                                                                 Thanks RDJ:)


    • Like 7
  15. 1 minute ago, dingformung said:

    I'm not sure. Typing on a smart phone right now (sitting on a bench in the park watching people) so this post won't be so detailed. It might be because the past is a manifestation inside the present, and memories are actually more like thoughts that are connotated with an emotion of familiarity rather than an actual "image" of the past. Memorising happens in the now. When a memory of something pops up on the canvas of your consciousness, then it is something that manifests in the now. Discerning imagination and memory happens through that emotion of familiarity (memory appears "familiar/real", imagination appears "unreal/theoretical"), which in fact is another (emotional) manifestation of the present, a feeling.

    I could write more and there are probably more sides to it and that's just an idea, and I guess language isn't designed to express these things easily. I really don't know.


    "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research." -Albert Einstein


    18 minutes ago, dingformung said:

    I guess language isn't designed to express these things easily

                                                         that's what i love about raves:) everyone communicates & understands each other on a higher level

                                                                                                            and gets along peacefully

                                                                                          while individually dancing as part of a whole

    • Like 1
  16. 33 minutes ago, dingformung said:

    I could almost smell your post, thanks. There is a lot more to life but it's inaccessible to us because we don't understand the dream logic we are living in. It can't be fully described with words and language (especially written one), because language is designed to only allow a certain kind of human communication and if you limit your "thought" to language, it influences your actions and your "becoming" is within the borders of these actions ("inner" and "outer" actions, which actually belong to the same sort of movement). We have been hypnotised. Part of us is elsewhere. Existence could be a lot better, different, meaningful and free if we could navigate the dream and transcend civil life, which is possible. You are not that which is thinking or feeling, you are that which is observing the thoughts and emotions. Your body and thoughts manifest in the second step. It is possible to navigate the dream and realise that you aren't real, that you aren't a normal being, that you are a unique movement within a fundamentally formless world that can manifest in various ways and shapes. We have been hypnotised by the ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ of words and banish the other layers of the universal dream into darkness, we think and dream in them and they bind us, they pull us back into the "human dream", a reoccurring curse of numbness and reflexive chase of predefined patterns along energies that we can't see or understand, where we are saying shit like "I'm, having a pretty OK time right now lol". There is a lot more to existence than the human dream.


    16 minutes ago, dingformung said:

    I believe that the human dream is a layer of the cosmic dream (the totality of existence, which has many layers). The cosmic dream is formless, it isn't a world with different places where you can move around and do things, it is one unique movement. What we call "I" and what we call consciousness is only a small part of this movement. When this part realises that it's part of the whole, the entire movement doesn't appear to be "suffering", because there are no parts who are separate from each other anymore. The more you awaken to this fact, the less you suffer and the closer you get to yourself. We all have different dreams we are living in but they are all contained within one universal dream that we call existence or life. It's possible to navigate between dreams during sleep (it happens frequently for everyone) but on waking up, when your perception gets stuck in language and social reality again, you forget about these navigations. The suffering lies within these navigations but not within existence itself. Existence is just there for us, it can be experienced through "being" (which is a thought also) but not through thinking or feeling or doing things."Humanity" as most people live their lives could be seen as an individualised version of collective hypnosis with some minor differences. We're all being hypnotised by our culture and language and we all have to wake up. That's why it's important to really be with the feelings, thoughts and actions happening in the present moment instead of following old patterns and seeking identity. There is no you that can be found through thought, there is no identity at all, only action within a dream."Reality" is a construct of thought and language, it's just another layer of the universal dream within which we are living out our lives. It's still possible to navigate this layer if you reject thought/language as your primary mode of perception. The more you explore this possibility (meditation, psychedelics), the closer you come to your true nature as a unique movement within existence that has been hypnotised by its own "thoughts". The more you use language as your primary mode of perception (thought/feeling) the more you become confined within words so that existence itself becomes one big prison for yourself. You are not this or that (this body/that body), your true nature is one unique movement but because we have been hypnotised by ourselves and each other ("I am not myself"), it has become impossible for us to see beyond our civil self.

    "For me, life was something that happened when I was not trying to live." - Richard D. James


                                                                     i'm enjoying your thoughts & observations dingformung

                                                       what do you believe is causing all the slight changes to reality

                                                                                what i consider the matrix effect, others call the mandela effect

                                    only recently have humans had the technology to do research & instantly confirm these changes with others around the globe

                                                                                                 why is this manifesting now or has reality always been fluid

  17.                                                             user18081971's 50th birthday in two months

                                                                            maybe a huge release to celebrate


  18.                                                                                     that would be pretty awesome to experience at a rave:)

                                                                reminded me of growing up in the country, we had two channels, abc & cbs

                                      but we constantly took turns having to go outside and turn the antenna to get better reception with help yelled from inside

                                                                     "Turn, Turn, Back, Stop Go Back, Back, There, There Leave It!"


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