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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by diatoms

  1.                                                                                                           DANK Reputation


    • Like 5
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    • Big Brain 1
  2. 18 hours ago, iococoi said:



                                                                don't know why but this pic made me laugh pretty hard, Thanks:)

    • Like 2
  3.                                                                          How long is your hair Braintree?

                                                                                      might have to hold a contest

                                                                                                which watmm'r  has the longest locks

  4. 59 minutes ago, Soloman Tump said:

    hope there's a jab for cure to cancer soon! Sign me up!

                                                                 I've stayed in remission from cancer 28 years by taking coconut oil and cannabis

                                                                                                100's of peer reviewed scientific research have confirmed

                                                                                                                      apoptosis of cancer cells



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  5. 3 minutes ago, brian trageskin said:

    yes, some of afx's output is pretty innovative in certain regards. certainly not in the domain of rhythm, melody or harmony though. and yeah, his tunes inspired a lot of people, myself included.

    yes, afx probably has some sort of understanding of what's going on harmonically in his tunes but i doubt he really understands how it works though. maybe he does but then, why would he choose to make weak-ass shit like some of the stuff he's put out in recent years? kind of a very wery weird artistic decision imo. just my opinion.

                                                                     well rdj helped save my brain with his rhythm, melody and harmony

                                                                                                  when no other music could

                                                                                                                   aphex acid is alive:)


    • Like 2
  6. 23 minutes ago, Thu Zaw said:

    It's always tickled me, the difference between European and American rave fashion aesthetic.

                                                                 i've seen a few tickle me elmos at some of the midwest raves i rolled at

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  7. 2 hours ago, brian trageskin said:

    the strangest thing being how the harmony improved on each release up until the tuss, and then it suddenly got less sophisticated after that, as if he had suddenly lost his skills. retrospectively, he was at the peak of his art with the tuss.



                                                                    Thanks to whoever created the aphexpitcardheadslaptwinsigil:)

    • Thanks 1
  8.                                                                                 50" acid legs                                          


    #kikwear from flapjackthekandikid?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.TUHI93x1arUnJJMQUmbSZQHaKX%26pid%3DApi&f=1https://i.pinimg.com/474x/65/a8/b1/65a8b1002139a6fff1d3b72f2a13a2d0--pants.jpghttp://ww1.prweb.com/prfiles/2016/03/10/13259478/JNCO%20Men%2002.03.16-747_1.jpghttp://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/iJdtQCV4loDuU-h34-rwW9pKUlw/fit-in/2048xorig/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2012/07/29/2/192/1922564/d7e075b30018b10b_0629jnco-jeans_fa/i/JNCO-Jeans.jpghttps://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/25MAAOSwJPxd6Dbh/s-l400.jpghttps://images.kerrangcdn.com/JNCO-Jeans.jpg?auto=compress&fit=crop&w=1200https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e4/f9/6b/e4f96baf281f7d362ba45d3a91123eb0--club-fashion-s-nostalgia.jpghttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/C8qsKZoUMAAEiq6.jpghttp://www.jenkemmag.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/jncoblastoff.pnghttps://mixmag.net/assets/uploads/images/JNCO-Jeans-ads-from-the-90s.jpghttp://bpc.h-cdn.co/assets/17/21/1495821799-jnco-jeans.jpg
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  9. On 5/15/2021 at 3:29 AM, Hugh Mughnus said:

    More shidding and farding pls

                                                                  farding it is


                                                                           this made me laugh

                                                                                why is the butt trumpet so funny


                                                                                    canadian wind:)


    • Like 1
  10. 54 minutes ago, ignatius said:
    48 minutes ago, Wunderbar said:

     Dude i wish you know we could just all get along you know what i mean dude.


    54 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    it's really up to whoever is running the simulation. 


                                                                we created the simulation

                                                                                   but can't remember

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  11.                                                                                                 BATMAN equation


    On 10/5/2020 at 9:13 PM, diatoms said:

                                                                                                                                BATMAN (1989)


                                                                         This film and the excitement leading up to opening night and after was pretty awesome for my 11 year old self

                                                          My friend a couple of houses down and I made plans to get dropped off at Cache 8 Cinema Friday June 23, 1989 around 19:00

                        We had moved to Lawton, Oklahoma for two years so my dad could build the Goodyear Tire plant 1988-1990 then back to the country of Neodesha, Kansas

                                                     My grandparents on my moms side also lived in Lawton because Ft. Sill was the last army base my pap was at when he retired

                                                           We got to the cinema and bought our tickets but decided to play Ninja Gaiden then find our seats


                                                    After we kicked Jasons' ass, we got some popcorn, got our tickets torn and into screen 2

                                                                                                      The previews had already started and there weren't many seats left and no seats together, Ha:)

                                                                     My friend took a middle of the room seat and I sat against the back wall in the middle of the row

                                                                                              Then it started

                                      I was amazed/excited at the intro and how we were going around the BATMAN symbol all that time with the that huge score by Danny Elfman:)

            and of course the rest of the film....... dark cinematography, direction and acting from Nicholson and Keaton was perfect for me to experience at that time in my life:)

                                                                                     I don't know if my mom (dad wouldn't care) would've let me go if she knew about some of the themes

                                                                                               and it was PG-13, must've got lucky to go, she had Batman of the 60's in mind I guess



                                                                They gave out Batman Warner Bros. brochures to buy Batman memorabilia after the film

                                                                               I remember being shocked at the $499 price tag for the denim jacket




                                                                                     We played Batman and Joker for weeks with some fireworks thrown in at the beginning of July



                                                                                                        BATMAN RETURNS (1992)


                                                                              My dad, brother and I went to the Independence, Kansas two screen cinema for this awesome dark sequel in June 1992







                                                                                          So I scratch my brain because I Remember the BATMAN sigil

                                                                                                                     without feet.........  BATMAN (1989) Bat suit I'm talking to You






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  12.                                                                    what if you don't drink coffee?

  13. 9 hours ago, Ivan Ooze said:

    My wife took this pic monday after i got my wisdom tooth removed. Dentist told me to rinse with brandy or scotch so i did




                                                                        Haha:) I'm gonna get my two upper wisdom teeth out pretty soon

                                                                                               The bottom two are still in perfect condition

                                                                                                           How painful was it? Any tips on recovery?

  14. 7 hours ago, Silent Member said:

    Grainy  videos/film from 80s New York is my favourite aesthetic. It just makes me super nostalgic for something I never got to experience. Fuzzy warm feelings all over, even though more times than not it's about crime and seedy stuff.

                                                                this is an awesome channel

                                                                   Nelson Sullivan's VHS tapes of 80's New York


    • Like 1
  15.                                                                                                       The Creation of "My Pen"


    13 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:




  16.                                                                                     BRITISH SECTOR

                                                                                           BERLIN 1945



                                                                                                symmetrical union jack




  17. 21 hours ago, chim said:

    My ranking of the top tracks, discounting analord 10 because it's a separate beast.

                                                            analord 10 by aphex

                                                                 the rest of analord by afx

                                                                     different sides of the same chocolate coin


    • Thanks 1
  18. On 5/8/2021 at 2:49 AM, auxien said:

    i think i remember from my childhood some mention of an ancient city with towers from many centuries ago, but my memory is the worst....nonetheless i don't think i'd ever seen the images like that, intriguing stuff. thanks! ?

                                               between 80-100 towers built during the 1100-1200's with the tallest at 97 meters (318.24 feet/29.3 stories)

                                                                                                                               not too shabby

                                                 the first skyscrapers built in the usa during the 1880's were only 10 - 20 stories (66 meters/216.53 feet)


    • Like 2
  19. 7 hours ago, auxien said:

    looks nice, but would love if you could elaborate

                              when i found out about the towers of bologna and saw this engraving it gave me future/past vibes of cities with skyscrapers

                                                                                       i would've flipped if i read about this or saw some info on it growing up

                                                                                                                         surprised it passed me by til now


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