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Posts posted by Bechuga

  1. Nintendo Direct: we got more ports than a cruise liner!


    But serious, I'm so on the fence about the Switch. Kinda want one, but how much would I really play it? I feel I would be bored after Zelda, if I even complete that. Hope for something I can't say no to.

  2. The "I will take down tracks whenever I want" and "if you buy the whole album, you'll get any extra tracks I upload in the future" messages seemed skeezy at the time. Still does.


    That said, many of these albums are good value, even if no extra tracks are added (beyond the extra tracks added already). But alternate mixes / speed versions / demos don't really do it for me.


    But hey, Aphex usually proves me wrong--a day after I post this, he'll post so many new tracks I'll look like a total dick. I'd be fine with that.

  3. Fuck it, play the weird shit anyway. I spend the last twenty minutes of most work days blasting Strapping Young Lad, Captain Beefheart and Shitty Flutes to coworkers who think Elton John is obscure.


    That said, I have no friends and everyone is scared of me or simply dislikes me. ... So yeah, maybe keep it to yourself.







    At work, a robin landed on my computer monitor, pooped down the screen, looked at me for ten seconds and then flew off.


    Can't get no respect.


    why do you have birds in your office? lol


    Who said I worked in an office?



    Noone =(


    I was just being funny.  :catcry:  :catsuicide:


    GOD, thanks for bursting my bubble, Bechuga. I was laughing my ass off for a minute.



    Maybe he works in a bird sanctuary :)


    It would be much better if he worked in an otherwise completely normal boring office which had an inexplicable bird infestation affecting all facets of business operation.


    The woes of my life are not a situational comedy for you to enjoy


    What if I contracted avian flu? Did you consider that? I bet you didn't. All you cared about it laughing at my anguish at the hands of a red-titted tyrant.


    I hope you feel ashamed of yourselves.







  5. One does not acquire a taste for alcohol, but rather batters the senses with it until it has no choice but to accept it as "tasty".


    Every male on both sides of the family has died of cancer or heart attacks. I am a male, and therefore will end up with both.


    I have not talked to my older brother properly for two years, and my life has never been better.


    My mortgage is mostly interest. I'm basically a high-interest savings account for my mortgage lender.


    I keep a little book in which I write down ideas in. None of these thoughts are in that book.

  6. The Universal Baseball Association by Robert Coover was a really good book. Just the right amount of metafiction and still had an enjoyable story. And I completely relate to a character who spends most of the working day daydreaming about other things and being distracted.

  7. Going through pages and pages of suggested edits and deciding whether or not to take them and then explaining which you have taken or haven't taken is rewarding and also tiring and also takes f o r e v e r


    Also every suggested edit makes your genitals shrivel 1mm


    I am down to minus figures atm

  8. The operation is fine. It's waiting for it to come along that's the problem. I'm a huge worrier when I have a huge span of time between me and thing that cures me, so sympathies! Hope all goes well.


    I'm halfway reading this thread for the 2nd (or 3d?) time iunno, is a great read

    my current fwp rlly is im at a loss of things to do.. I have a very addictive personality and knowing this I have been systematically cutting off social media, games etc trying to get better habits but right now im having trouble finding new better things to fill the time... I did devour a series of books last week but going to sleep at 4am reading books doesn't seem that healthy a thing either (altough better than going to sleep at 4am watching YouTube shit... right? right?)

    I should just focus on finishing my uni studies but ugh that don't fill me soul enough.. tru fwp

    I'm doing fine otherwise rlly, got a lovely gf and future ahead of me.. maybs i just need more friends iunno ugh


    Do little bit of work > play games > little bit of work > watch a video > little bit of work > etc


    Or get some work done early in the day, so you can play games all you want and not have to worry about doing "better" things? "Better" for whom? Doing anything all day will kill you. Do a little bit of everything.


    But I don't have an addictive personality, so perhaps it's not as easy as saying it. I love games, but if I play more than an hour or two, I start to get antsy.

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