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Everything posted by jellyrajah

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3Lvm-1wj84
  2. Band of Outsiders. a fun little Godard movie. anyone else a fan of this guy?
  3. I ordered a CD. they supposed to ship out in early october I believe. I live in the states though so I have no idea how long it'll take to get here
  4. You're kidding, right? Blame this album for spawning the whole stupid vaporwave thing I realized right after making my post that the cover for Eccojams has the Ecco artwork on it.
  5. is it just me or does a lot of daniel's music sound similar to the ecco the dolphin ost? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNBEm2t1Z4M#
  6. just hearing 11 for the first time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UbdqNlmRGs i'm in love with this track!
  7. You might want to check out The Process by Brion Gysin.
  8. you won't regret it! just make sure to look up the general story of the series if you don't want to play the other games.
  9. Great Russian Novel, you mean. just replace every instance of 'motorcycle' with 'troika'
  10. is krokodil use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?
  11. This is sort of off topic, but has anyone here ever tried ecstasy/MDMA before? Is it worth the experience?
  12. agreed, this show is incredible! I need to start watching it again too. But it's fucked up, cuz you have to know tons of pop culture references... It's like if you didn't grow up in the 80's, you can't enjoy this series to its fullest. (Same with old school Family Guy, I suppose.) So it takes some 25~30 years of life experience to actually get this shit. I started watching this when it first aired, and it was genius from the start (and just got better and better). It's the kind of series that I wish I could share with friends who don't know about it, but it's almost like if they don't already know about it, they're not gonna get it. It's some sort of destiny series in TV, where the people who were meant to watch it, will. Are there deeply hidden messages in it for the chosen ones? Is The Venture Bros. animated series some sort of guide to reveal a world that only those who can perceive it will be able to realize? All right, enough. Anyway- SOOO GOOOD~~~ haha, I've noticed this with The Simpsons. used to watch it tons as a child, but it was until later that I finally started to pick up on all the pop culture references in the show. I'm going to start over from the beginning with Venture Bros, it's been a few years since I last saw it.
  13. agreed, this show is incredible! I need to start watching it again too.
  14. Bojack Horseman is too good. haven't been hooked on a show like this for a while
  15. Hunting down a used jawn is most cost effective. Look for a bike co-op in Chicago. good advice, I found a co-op nearby. now to save up some cash
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