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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by juiceciuj

  1. i mean seems like you guys are just dead set on poopooing this thing. actually thought the demo was pretty fun as he's going through the rrriiiffffssssss you can hear the evolution of some dude passing silly samples (tooth brushing, coughing, etc) and being morphed into a fun little loop. if the live collaboration stuff actually works seemlessssssly seems pretty cool tbqh. otherwise it just seems like another iphone daw
  2. my wife got a handful of the amiibos for this when she played it through a on wiiu. i feel like such an idiot when i go through and use them once a day. not interested enough in the retro outfit to buy anything else. just wanna beat the game at this point. i have enjoyed just doing a quest or shrine or two before bed each night as i make my way by foot to the castle.
  3. went out of stock by the time i went to buy it (saturday or something?) i performed with te in atlanta the day it launched. nice duds
  4. finished all four of the guardians in botw. now to mess around for another year and a half before i finish it
  5. i'm def too short to piss in the kitchen sink. bathroom sinks are fine
  6. https://www.dollarshaveclub.com/content/story/toward-grand-unifying-theory-men-pee-sink
  7. apparently the "2nd Run" endings for each character are more fleshed out. free ghost survivor dlc stories are out today i think
  8. make new music dang it. alright was awesome description makes it definitely sound like its old tracks
  9. You're a little further than me. I don't have that other gun yet, and was trying to save using the launcher. Sounds like all three of us are on 2nd Run as Claire right now? I think the only gun I haven't yet acquired is that heavy taser, or whatever it's called. Agree about the M79 - pretty much fries Lickers in two shots, one if you're really lucky. haven't played in a few days but basically from my experience if you hit a licker while it's completely still and it stays within the residual burn it will usually die in one hit. like, don't shoot one on the ceiling, 'cause then it'll fall down away from fire (figured this out the hall way). i've only encountered one or two that haven't died in one shot. i still haven't played since i last updated. been too busy =\
  10. nintendo is known for not reducing in price. even years after release. so generally anything under msrp is considered a sale
  11. posting buddy rich but not this one? that hihat :swoon:
  12. If I heard correctly it's a timed exclusive and will indeed be back on Steam around Spring of next year. ye i think the epic games exclusives are for 1yr
  13. Does it have the extra costumes and weapons for the 2nd play thru like the original? dlc
  14. https://consequenceofsound.net/2019/01/new-tool-album-mid-april/
  15. Just came in the mail. Been waiting for this for years. Loved remake, RE4, and RE7, but never got a chance to play RE2 when it came out originally. oh man... i think you're in for a treat. i really wanted to wait for this to get cheaper but the temptation to dive in now is pretty strong
  16. The video says Retro wasn't working on it, and that Nintendo is bringing them back in to take it on. So, good news for Retro no? yeah pretty sure it was being developed by bamco before. don't know why they wouldn't have started with retro. hopefully this'll light a fire under them to rerelease the first 3 in hd with normal controls
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