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Everything posted by Tatdylf

  1. I can't edit this post after 15 min :'( Here's a better version:
  2. He may have literally meant go buy emergency supplies in case civilization suddenly collapses. Thoughtful :)
  3. I wonder if rdj has some luxury fallout shelter up there in Scotland or something
  4. Another amazing arrange by Ryu Umemoto The whole album is amazing
  5. really touching tribute to recently deceased president of Nintendo Satoru Iwata by Hirokazu Tanaka, composer of Metroid, Super Mario Land, creator of the Famicom and Gameboy sound chips:
  6. I guess its kinda true, Richard had never heard of Aphex before he made all his tracks, most of that stuff hadn't been done yet :3
  7. Pretty sure Richard said he didn't view the SC tracks as any way inferior to his releases
  8. I'm pretty lukewarm on Frank Miller but Daredevil is probably my favorite of his, partially for nostalgia reasons, it's just superhero comics done right. Another thing to check out for superhero comics is writer John Broome, he re-booted Green Lantern and the Flash in the 50's and a bunch of other sci-fi stuff. They are campy, wacky, creative and generally off-beat. For dark fantasy I recommend Dungeon by Lewis Trondheim and Joann Sfar. http://www.nbmpub.com/humor/trondheim/dungeon/dungeonhome.html It's cartoony and comedic, has really great dialogue, interesting characters and a sprawling world.
  9. Yeah that is great news! I was hoping for that one, I've been sorta playing out my favorite tracks from the leak lately anyway
  10. I saw 'Max' today, not to be confused with 'Mad Max: Fury Road' it's about a military dog whose handler is killed and gets ptsd then sent back to it's handler's family. I was pretty impressed. It's all-ages for the most part, PG-rating-ish, and it has a faint made for TV movie quality about it, but pretty effective in creating tension, and defied the cliche/nationalistic tropes that are so prevalent these days. Bring the whole family!
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