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Everything posted by Tatdylf

  1. thank you for these, good reads. I really wonder whether he did write Top 40 songs and who for.... maybe he was lying, who knows. yeah, that info can't be secret any longer, right? I also wonder what other commercial work he has done, I know of the Pirelli commercial, but that's it.
  2. That's the most amazing thing about Aphex Twin, he was a pioneer in every possible sense of the word. It is so rare that someone is literally "before his time" that people tend to not believe it. And what doesn't help is that pioneers rarely say they are pioneers, they leave that blah blah business to the big mouths of the scene. It's a pretty consistent phenomenon for innovations to occur in separate places at the same time.
  3. yep. mods pls but it will look like we actually care about that grammys, pop hypes, wawards and silicone boobs I care because Kanye does Well, there's why I won't change it I trust Herr Jann's judgement
  4. yes, it's from an old soviet electro record called 'pulse 1: musical computer' by a. rodionov and b. tikhomirov cheers wait, what is this conversation about? where is '80s tite'? Richard uploaded and quickly took down a track apparently to test Soundcloud's copyright filter or something: https://www.mediafire.com/?3402paw2in7xlbj
  5. yep. mods pls but it will look like we actually care about that grammys, pop hypes, wawards and silicone boobs I care because Kanye does
  6. yes, it's from an old soviet electro record called 'pulse 1: musical computer' by a. rodionov and b. tikhomirov cheers
  7. 80s tite is excellent! Anyone know what album this is off?
  8. nope, nobody ever figured out how to get it to sound any good. this is the best anyone got: It's a nice bullshit, a kind of gadget. Nothing more. The sound that comes out is only the insignificant noise ... and it's wanted. it's just a paper to frame and hang on a wall... it sounds... like paper
  9. yeah, I don't know why people are still speculating, he is steinvord ^
  10. userblablabla001 commented on aphextwin soundcloud CCAI track, something like "i also made electronics in 90s, gonna upload my dats" and aphextwin responded to him (to himself, basically). aaaand the rest is historyedit: on Diskhat ALL Prepared1mixed [snr2mix] Would like to know the full setup for this track, brilliant music man, I loved your early 90's stuff, I was doing stuff in the early 90's as well similiar to you but I did know about you when I did it, gunna be uploading it slowly to soundcloud, stay tuned! on Diskhat ALL Prepared1mixed [snr2mix] @user487363530: beautiful stuff, would love to hear more Yeah, this. Timothy Forward on here was the first to pick up on it before anyone else afaik: http://forum.watmm.com/topic/85636-richard-d-james-soundcloud-a-gift-to-the-fans/page-7 I like the split persona approach, how he commented on himself as someone else who also happens to be himself. Its fits the whole mythos of the aphex twin quite nicely haha yeah I almost imagined kid cloudkicker was Richard too as the repentant hater XD
  11. change thread title to 'grammy-winning syro'?
  12. lol what? Why is this interesting? Some guy just edited half of the track out? yeah I wasn't sure, thought I'd run it by you guys at least I got an id on the pic
  13. Interesting, yeah I definitely hear nearly the same beat with fantasia and gpo beat. But what is state of the art?
  14. this is definitely a highlight, so joyous, sums up my feelings about the soundcloud :)
  15. Cottage4 Af1 sounds like it could be part of Analord
  16. http://www.mediafire.com/listen/59mot7ulntaie4b/T13__Quadraverb_.mp3
  17. https://www.mediafire.com/folder/s2nngnn8a22yn/afx(2)
  18. I keep thinking, there must have been some epic parties accompanying this music
  19. clear vinyl, thats some pretty fancy bootlegging!
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