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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. what be this? google says engine oil, but discogs says https://www.discogs.com/artist/65987-Omala
  2. The Trip to Greece vid should be around but isn't yet. My brothers steal my lighters just to boil my piss.
  3. lower quality but old Groovetech session, since his death these have started algorithmically appearing on youlube recommendations more & more
  4. that looks very tasty indeed, many thanks, rinsing imminently
  5. @Entorwellian Sure if you stripped one the electrical set-up can’t be too complex. It’s consistent as fk though. If we have a family day out, I can get stealthily roasted & no-one’s the wiser. That lectin plot is something to have an experiment around, prob with pannacotta. Thanks for the info. Knew fats/oils helped piggybacking through your gut wall & pannacotta is easy to make.
  6. Cheers ears, it’s all good but decarbing around certain civilians is a major ball ache. Nothing shields that stink and portable cookers just proved another labyrinth. Due to elderly neighbours, had to grip an Ardent to decarb. Too many odours, too many curtain twitchers. Nova is spot on for my requirements & legal bs with immediate environment. Decarb about a q. at a time. Either eat the decarb as is, 200-600mg depending on chores/responsibilities. 250-350mg is lush, 600mg is Twin Peaks, or do an olive oil infusion with 2g’s of decarb into 2 fl oz’s. Place jar in Nova run for 60mins, switch off. Zero calories, no need to cook with as an ingredient. Simple as fk. Decarb eaten as is takes 3hrs to peak, olive oil infusion more like one hour. Oil infusion is smoother too, less turbulence. 2 tablespoons = just enough, but I overdid it y’day and cooking a roast surrounded my drunks took on a whole other dimension, jfc. Can make 1.5g’s last a week, longer if smaller dosing. The money the Ardent saved me is incredible + no lung pathway (you listening Corona?), plus you can get really accurate & consistent dose rates.
  7. the "thumb print" trip used to be a rite of passage of sorts https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=eRlYXrvsLdef1fAP_Ym14AE&q=lsd+thumb+print+trip&oq=lsd+thumb+print+trip&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i13j0i8i13i30.797.9839..10291...0.0..0.94.1417.20......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i131j0j0i10j0i22i10i30j0i22i30j0i13i30j0i13i5i30.iYs1o2rciHQ&ved=0ahUKEwj7jOjVvPLnAhXXTxUIHf1EDRwQ4dUDCAc&uact=5
  8. I fkn loathe the new reaction feature, but cheers for these, that’s a gold mine
  9. Care Quality Commission has given a second UK cannabis license. Private, self referrals now possible in London & Bristol for diagnosis of: Anxiety Disorder Chronic Pain Epilepsy Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Substance Use Disorder (as a harm reduction strategy) Tourette’s Syndrome https://www.healtheuropa.eu/first-medical-cannabis-clinic-outside-london-receives-cqc-licence/94889/ Bristol centre run by Ben Sessa: https://www.psychiatry-uk.com/our-psychiatrists/ben-sessa-mbbs-bsc-mrcpsych/ https://www.addiction-ssa.org/author/dr-ben-sessa/ https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ben+sessa
  10. It's a bit like Winstanley, docu-drama-ish (?) although Winstanley is more filem-like. They both did quality work with miniscule budgets, even if Winstanley seemed to have gripped its extras from that year's Glastonbury Fayre. *Caveat would've worked better with a vidyo, but youlube removed Every cunt is late today, time for Frenchy
  11. @xxx re-last post. Well said. They’re dolled out like sweets here & the illicit market is even worse. Scotland seems to have it up to the eyeballs. Massive correlation/causation with onset of dementia. My Ma was an NHS care inspector for years & routinely had to taper entire units off ridiculous benzo abuse levels. My experience with these compounds in the US was an eye opener. They were almost traded openly between friends, a few Xanax for a few *insert other generic benzos/opiates. No big deal. Worked hard all week? Smash a few of these Friday night. Relax. The Smithsonian was a hotbed too. It seemed completely normalised. One of the longest serving devotees to heroin I know is a GP ffs, works extremely long hours & uses Friday/Saturday. Still a habit, clinicians aren’t immune from life pressures but it surprised me that Peterson has gone to Russia when he prob has the pick of pvt North American addiction support systems at hand.
  12. it's gooood when they storm surge the ears
  13. the mist off the water, not seeing God's face but knowing it was THE face of God but not seeing it like someone in front of her, yellow goldish, God put her in the White House. Far out ramble on etc she has that cotton wool mind mouth addicts tend to present with Merka, land of the free because of the brave
  14. Blue pilled chill just say perhaps
  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_C._Lilly#Earth_Coincidence_Control_Office_(E.C.C.O.)
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Morrígan
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