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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. I haven't taken anything psychedelic in years but when I did I could never get in to listening to music with a steady beat, it just felt bad to me. Music in general was always dicey because it made it too easy to keep track of time, and time seems pretty irrelevant and distracting under those circumstances.
  2. YES, especially that first one, Magick Brother, but really all of it. If we're going back to stuff that came out of the weird BYG Actuel fringe jazz stable, Ame Son would probably be a good choice too (and are generally great).
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq-lhfLjWaU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz4bproRj_M
  4. so they literally just slowed down existing songs? is that it or am i missing something?to be fair this one is pretty shitty and heavy on novelty / gimmick, this is nothing in terms of quality when it comes to the same formula executed well but yeah "eccojams" style vaporwave / i.e. classic vaporwave is chopped up, slowed down, and looped samples... very similar to DJ Screw stuff or witch house but with different sample sources, usually late 80s to early 90s muzak, new age, easy listening, smooth r&b and top 40-esque pop, etc. lol, amazing. that CGI phone damn this is lushSorry I messed up the quote thing in my earlier blank post... Yeah, I definitely don't disagree with your assessment of that EP being pretty much only about the novelty gimmick side, and Keanu would certainly be best advised to find a more recommended or staple vaporwave release to introduce him/her to the genre. Releases like this are kinda the equivalent of the whole "broperwave" thing--just slowing down a bunch of 80s pop / motown and putting images of busts / fiji bottles on the cover. My own reason for toungue-in-cheek fawning over something like OK Oil Company (lol) is more about my own weird infatuation with the idea of obscure cowboy/trucker music playing at some diner near a truck stop in the middle of nowhere. And pitched down just pushes it over the edge for me in that "I just got chloroformed by some creepy dude outside the diner and he just stole my car and drove away" feeling that's just too much fun to not soak in. Yeah I'm weird and too many viewings of Breakdown with Kurt Russel. :D #Belle'sDiner yeah, I've also got a big soft spot for late 70s trucker/CB radio/vanning ephemera so I'm 100% OK with the the novelty gimmickyness in this case. One of the things I like about vaporwave is that it can turn the materials of cynical, shallow consumer culture into something powerfully emotional, bt can also be pure camp, and (when it's not just cynical "me-too" stuff itself) is just as good either way. If it makes me feel something it's good. If it makes me laugh it's good.
  5. damn, too bad the postage out to Australia would make it not worth pursuing, lol Someone local is trying to sell one for $700AU holy shit, might try to super-lowball them at $300 or something :P There's another auction up with two for $90. One works fine except it has one failing button and the line out doesn't work (but headphone does s it's probably a broken jack or blown op amp or something comaprably simple). The other doesn't power up but it DOES have some old, professional aftermarket mod that adds an extra modulation source or something. Pretty tempting to get both, fix the one that just needs minor work and if the other is truly dead try to take the mod out of it and transplant it into the fixed one. Fortunately all of this stuff is probably going to be gone by Thursday when I get paid so I can't blow my money on it.
  6. I'm kind of glad my tax return was delayed because there's a really clean looking "broken" Roland SH-1000 on eBay with a $450 Buy It Now. The description says that it is "broken" because it is distorted, crackly and drops out sometimes. If that's not just a matter of cleaning/replacing some pots and possibly recapping, I'd be shocked, and that's all stuff I could do myself. Absolutely no place I could put the thing, but if I had the cash I'd probably snap it up anyway.
  7. Yeah I've got an ebay alert set for a cz101, passed up way too many over the last few years. Gonna have to buy the next one I see, I reckon. I get lots of eBay alerts for them but everyone seems to start them at like $200-$250 now which is kind of fair for how cool they sound but not as fair for how common they are. There's one up there now (or at least it was a day or two ago) that's $50 because none of the C or F# keys on the upper half of the keyboard work, so it's probably some kind of simple "replace a failing multiple chip" or somethign kind of repair but I've got like $70 to last me until next payday so not happening.
  8. Did I already post this here? I can't even remember, this thread is so massive.
  9. I wish I had space for a CZ-1000, I've seen them selling for $60 and under locally in the past year a couple times, but I just can't take on another full size keyboard (and if I could I'd probably go for a DW8000 instead and still want a CZ-101).
  10. That's pretty cool but I'm almost all hardware these days. If only I'd appreciated the thing back when an old roommate was selling a "broken" one cheap. It was broken in that the auto shutoff would turn it off after a few minutes even if you were playing and none of us knew you could disable that, so he traded it away.
  11. Damn it I still can't shake my years-long desire for a CZ-101 even though they're kind of overpriced now and I have no real need for one. Wouldn't be a problem except my tax returns are on the way.
  12. I know how I'm going to spend my next free afternoon:
  13. I totaly understand where you're coming from. It's a reactionary thing from my side, I try to remain neutral (right nor left) in all of this but from what I've seen from videos posted on Youtube refugees are causing trouble and harassing innocent people on the street, not taken from any right wing given news sites. Those refugees that are detrimental to society are not welcome and those who wish to contribute and make something of themselves are very welcome to stay. Yeah man, it's not like you'd ever get native Norwegians committing senseless acts of violence! And definitely not in the name of some sort of weird nationalist/ quasi-religious viewpoint But it's on Youtube, Youtube doesn't lie. Oh wait.
  14. Nice. If I had to choose favorites it'd probably be Pacific Northwest Sasquatch Research or The Cambridge Library Murders (just in general I tend to like his side project stuff a bit more than the Legowelt stuff) but this is right up there.
  15. Good point about noise and mp3s! Ironically, I actually kind of really like the sound of Minidisc data compression as an effect, although not enough to actually use it much (it's not very noticeable at all, it just kind of blurs things a little in a nice way).
  16. And, you know, all of this is out the window if the music isn't good, of course. I'll decline to comment on whether mine is, that's for other people to decide.
  17. Fortunately for me, I usually like to start rolling stuff off around 10kHz-12kHz so I don't have much going on up above 20 anyhow. EDIT: this isn't the same site I found them on originally but it has the intermodulation distortion test tones about 1/3 of the way down (search "Intermod Tests").
  18. Yes, on the other hand, I have heard this argument before too and it's patently false. Even if it's not audible you can test it by playing the mp3 version 180 degrees out of phase mixed with the uncompressed source - you will hear those signature watery high end artifacts. Or form a basic understanding of the mp3 reconstruction algorithm and FFT and it'll make sense that they are not the same. Whether you care about the difference is a different matter but it is there. Yeah, I'd go even farther and say that even if you don't care about it, there are still psychoacoustic effects that will change your subjective experience the music even if you aren't conscious of it. Like, the stuff I was mixing this month was never quite sounding right and I couldn't put my finger on it, but when I ran the mixes trhough a spectrum analyzer, there was some kind of clock tone that had bled in to most of them, way up around 30kHz and going up to something like -15DBFS. Way above human hearing or what my speakers can really reproduce but when I notched it out, the mixes instantly sounded a lot more open an uncluttered, no other changes. It was like wiping a year worth of dust off of a TV screen. That's the kind of stuff I get audiophiley and nitpicky about personally, even though hiss and some kinds of hum and distortion are usually fine. EDIT: I forget where I found the test files originally, but there is a set of files you can use to demonstrate audible effects of sound above the audible spectrum and those were pretty eye opening, too. everything's up in the 30kHz range but causes all kinds of crackle and distortion in DACs that aren't well implemented. My interface is pretty god and even it pops every once in a while when I play them back through it. the MBox 3 I used to use sounds like a geiger counter.
  19. This is pretty similar to where I stand: http://tapeop.com/blog/2017/02/15/subconscious-auditory-effects/ But that said, I also mostly aim more toward the lo-fi end of the spectrum, I just don't want the ITB stuff to be part of the lo-finess.
  20. Now this is the worst. Hasn't it been established that coat hangers convey audio signals just as well as any gold braided civet intestine purified silk-coated bullshit cable? yes, but audiophile losers insist that there is an unmeasurable difference.. I don't totally discount this argument in general, just in the case of stuff like we're talking about. Because with this stuff there's often a bias toward "newer technology is superior, sell your old gear and buy new gear" and, to paraphrase Captain Kirk (I think), you can only measure what your tools are designed to measure. There are still plenty of people who claim that it's an absolute, scientifically proven fact that there's no audible difference between a 256kbps mp3 and a high resolution digital master. But shit, there's an audible difference between a CD and a burned copy of that CD, when I was younger and hadn't played a bunch of shows I could hear it easily even on a cheap boom box. But yeah, that's also usually just people's own biases. EDIT: pretty sure the difference between a CD and a CD-R duplicate would actually be more audible on a cheap player than a good one, it's just a higher error rate making the error correction kick in more often and cheap players probably had worse error correction back then.
  21. Now this is the worst. Hasn't it been established that coat hangers convey audio signals just as well as any gold braided civet intestine purified silk-coated bullshit cable? Yeah, the only well designed double blind study so far showed now statistically significant difference with a slight preference for the coat hangers. I forget who the test subjects were, but it included some big-name mastering engineers.
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