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Everything posted by bendish

  1. Seems like I should share this now Was 'released a couple of years ago https://tonchinkanrecords.bandcamp.com/album/permanent-violence
  2. Not sure where the audio files are for this link?
  3. The last series last episode was one of the most incredible animations I've ever seen. Very beautiful and out there style.
  4. clouds is a verb a delay and a whole bunch more....i like the BBD from doepfer - im using softube though so no idea about hardware
  5. Fargo 4 Queens gambit Ethos The outsider All good Also: All of David E Kelley's characters deserve the firing squad. All of them.
  6. bendish

    Go Corbyn

    This was good. https://m.soundcloud.com/poltheoryother/100-corbyn-labour-and-the-ehrc-report-w-barnaby-raine
  7. FNM was huge for me but cant help thinking they didn't age particularly well. Never really tried bungle too deeply.
  8. its the level of his brain and probably that of his voters too - imagine voting for him off that rather than seeing all the covid deaths and unemployment and social unrest and saying yea sure - campaign adverts are so stupid.
  9. Wow. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/did-trump-kushner-ignore-blue-state-covid-19-testing-deaths-ncna1235707
  10. I did. Some great things some not. An approximation of imagined ideal life. Choice / loss.
  11. Pretty sure his niece nailed the whole shrink analysis - he can't be wrong, he can't lose face, antagonism is the only option, he's never ever felt any financial discomfort, he's never really been loved...
  12. Nice combo of simultaneous headlines.
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