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Everything posted by bendish

  1. Some more interesting lolstats https://graphics.reuters.com/HEALTH-CORONAVIRUS/USA-REMOTEWORK/xlbpgbrljvq/index.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR3F638oXYCoRJHhVr-NKLgihpTJArsR-GGRuMX9wk7gykf2FYUCk3T_49I
  2. Boris Johnson is going to get away with this just like Blair did on Iraq. Just watch.
  3. Solidarity and sacrifice are weakness. Individualism is strength.
  4. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6928e2.htm?s_cid=mm6928e2_e&deliveryName=USCDC_921-DM32906
  5. But he'd probably get that in 5 minutes with some twitter ask
  6. at least with Biden you know that despite being mentally on a steep slope of decline - he will employ competent staff - even if I don't ideologically agree with them
  7. I think it goes the other way. Become doc - see dark shit pharma companies get up to - edge towards anti pharma - go homeopathic / alt-med - slide to quakery - anti-vaxx ? The doc made number of the claims being discredited here: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/04/four-vaccine-myths-and-where-they-came
  8. When your doc recommends this:
  9. Yea I guess I'm referring to ideological, political and economic choice as to whether to accept science.
  10. If anything Covid has shown us that 'the science' can be interpreted quite widely.
  11. Recently went to doc and was surprised to hear her covid and anti-vax views. Homeopathy books should have been a tell. Personally everything I've read suggests the fears of vaccination are nonsense science and views of covid being some conspiracy theory are very much intertwined with this. Opinions? Evidence? Data?
  12. Adjust parameters yourself for satisfaction: https://ig.ft.com/coronavirus-chart/?areas=usa&areas=gbr&areasRegional=usny&areasRegional=usnj&cumulative=0&logScale=1&perMillion=0&values=deaths
  13. Guess this was just a posh version back in March. More depressing imo.
  14. Systemic problems of inequality / race completely entwined with police issues. Same thing.
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